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Анисарова Наталья Дмитриевна1734
Россия, Московская обл., Орехово-Зуево

План-конспект урока по теме «Дикие животные. Лондонский зоопарк»

Wild Animals. The London Zoo.

If I had tons of money Do you know what I would do? I would buy lots of animals And have my own zoo. But they would not be in cages, They would be free to run around. And there is one thing they could feel And that is safe and sound.

New words: a flamingo a koala /kəʊˈɑːlə/ a coyote a polar bear a grizzly bear a camel /ˈkæml/

Welcome to the london zoo!

The Map

fill in the gaps 1) The London Zoo is located in the middle of the city and has plenty of animals to see including …, … and ... . 2) There are different kinds of animals in the London Zoo, for example, … , … and … . 3) The London Zoo has one of the largest collections of animals in the UK including … , … and … . lions camels koalas coyotes tigers monkeys elephants polar bears grizzly bears

Is the statement true or False? The London Zoo is located in Hyde Park. 2) There are plenty of animals in the London Zoo. 3) The London Zoo is located in the middle of the city. 4) You can see no koalas and polar bears in the London Zoo. 5) There are only coyotes, elephants and grizzly bears in the London Zoo. 6) Children can see performances and visit interesting exhibitions in this Zoo. False False True True The London Zoo is located in Regent’s Park. You can see koalas and polar bears in the London Zoo. True False There are a lot of other wild animals in this zoo.

Answer the questions: 1) Have you ever been to a zoo? 2) Where is it situated? 3) What animals and birds did you see there? 4) Did you enjoy visiting that zoo?