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Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
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Работаю учителем английского языка в школе-интернат №23 ОАО "РЖД".
Россия, Иркутская обл., Слюдянка

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку по теме «Using a Computer Network», 8 класс

Using a computer network

Words of Wisdom “Science is organised knowledge. Wisdom is organised life”. Immanuel Kant (German philosopher) Science is knowledge we study, while wisdom is knowledge gained over a lifetime by learning from our experiences.

software network computer hardware cabling systems plagiarism passwords computer viruses share files resources data

Where are these people working? What are they using computers for?

In picture 1 people are in an office. They are using their computers to do their work. 1

Picture 2 shows two people having a meeting in a café. I think the man and the woman are using the laptop to access some information. 2

Picture 3 shows some teenagers at school. I think they are doing some school work. 3

Picture 4 shows some people in an Internet café. They are probably checking their emails. 4

Picture 5 shows a girl beside a cash register. I think she is in the accounts office of a shop. She is using the computer to check the sales for the day. 5

A computer network is a group of computers, software and hardware that are all connected to help the users work together. A computer network is a group of computers, software and hardware that are all connected to help the users work together. Videofile

Match the words to their meanings below. 1. Software 5. Share files and resources 2. Hardware 6. Plagiarism 3. Cabling systems 7. Passwords 4. Data 8. Computer viruses information computer programs copying someone else’s work and saying it is yours network of electrical wires secret entry codes many people use the same data and materials harmful programs that destroy information on a computer system machines and devices a computer uses Data Software Plagiarism Cabling systems Passwords Share files and resources Computer viruses Hardware


Glossary user – пользователь device – устройство handle – обрабатывать flow of data – поток информации allow – позволять share – использовать совместно, делиться keep in mind – запоминать overuse – злоупотреблять illegal – незаконный unethical – неэтичный bully – запугивать consequences – последствия copyright – авторское право permission – позволение, разрешение

Mark sentences as True or False. 1. Many business people and students use computer networks. 2. Network users have to share a computer. 3. The computers are connected with software and hardware. 4. Network users cannot print documents or send messages. 5. All network users share the same password. 6. All the information on the internet is copyrighted. 7. Network users have to ask before installing a new program. T T T F F F F

Find words in the text which mean: 1. manage (line 3) 2. trustworthy (line 5) 3. unfair (line 10) 4. effects (line 13) 5. set up (line 16) 6. guidelines (line 18) handle responsible unethical consequences install procedures

you should ……. you should ……. you shouldn`t …… share computer passwords. overuse online connection time or printers. use a computer only to help you with your studies. use it for something illegal, unethical or dishonest plagiarise copyrighted material. install software without permission. protect the network from computer viruses. When using a computer network ….

got acquainted with… found out… learnt… remembered… During today’s lesson I have…

Your homework to the next lesson: to learn new words, Workbook, p.71