12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
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Гусева Людмила Леонидовна716
Россия, Камчатский край, г. Ключи-1

Конспект урока в 4 классе «Остров Прошедшего простого времени»

Остров Прошедшего времени (The Past Simple tense island) Подготовил учитель английского языка МБОУ СШ №5 Гусева Л.Л.

Past Simple Once upon a time!

Фонетическая разминка: Student’s book, p. 96 ex.2 Oh, what a mystery! The mouse studied history The kangaroo climbed up a tree The elephant played the saxophone And the bumblebee dived in the sea.

The first game: the ed-ending pronunciation of Past Simple (произношение окончания –ed в Прошедшем простом времени)

The first game: pronunciation of the ed-ending. Let’s check! [d] [t] [Id] climbed watched painted played jumped skated listened laughed visited served washed rested lived baked needed

The second game: Lulu’s dreams. Make up the sentences from these cards (составить предложения).

The third game: Student’s book, p. 96 ex.1 Listen to the text. What did Larry, Lulu, Paco, Maya do last Saturday? (прослушать текст и ответить на вопрос: что делали дети в прошлую субботу?) play soccer watch a film visit a friend paint a picture listen to music Larry Lulu Paco Maya

The third game: Listen to the text. What did Larry, Lulu, Paco, Maya do last Saturday? Let’s check! play soccer watch a film visit a friend paint a picture listen to music Larry Lulu Paco Maya

Физминутка для глаз

The fourth game: let’s revise verbs. Finish the phrase in English (вспомним глаголы – закончите фразы по-английски).

The fifth game: quiz- how do you know the fairy-tales (викторина - как вы знаете сказки)? This cartoon character, a nice girl, lived in the castle and had very long fair hair.

This is the story about two mice. One didn’t like the life in the city and returned home to the country.

She was a nice girl but her dress and shoes were old. She lived with her unkind Godmother, father and two sisters. She danced with a prince at the palace and lost her shoe.

She was a young beautiful girl who lived in the forest in the house of seven little gnoms.

She was a little brave girl. She had a red hat or a hood. She visited her granny in the forest. She wasn’t afraid of wolves.

She was a little girl with big blue eyes and golden curls. Once she walked to the wood where lived three bears.

Once a brave girl, Gerda, started to search her best friend, Kay. A cold and angry woman took him to the ice palace.

This boy didn’t want to grow-up. He had a battle with Capitan Hook. But once the boy looked a pretty girl, Vendy.

Who is the winner?


Your hometask: сб. с.91-92 упр.3-6, повторить слова и правило с.170-171