12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Малыгина Татьяна Владимировна785
работаю учителем английского языка не первый год, но очень нуждаюсь в единомышленниках, которые, как и я любят новое, общаться и делиться идеями.
Россия, Самарская обл., Тольятти

Урок-презентация для 3 класса «Развитие навыков чтения, прошедшее простое время»

What did you do yesterday? interesting story make

A boх?

If a white chalk chalks on a black blackboard, can a black chalk chalk on a white blackboard?

My aunt had a cat Pluto. It was black and very clever. When my aunt washed herself, the cat washed himself, when she watched TV, the cat did the same. When she talked, it opened his mouth like he is talking. Aunt wanted the cat to talk. She also had a parrot. But she didn’t like the parrot because it was very old and talkative. So, my aunt had an idea how to teach the parrot to talk… Story

What is the end ? Happy or Sad ?

She killed the parrot, cooked it And the cat had the parrot for dinner. Suddenly the cat shouted: “Look out! The ceiling is falling!” Aunt was so surprised that she didn’t listen to him! And a big piece of ceiling fell on her head. The cat was very angry! II

Сhoose the best name for the story 1. A cat that killed a parrot. 2. A parrot that loved a cat 3. A cat that talked well 4. Aunt that loved the cat.

read встретить have делать meet плавать do идти buy есть swim читать drink покупать eat иметь go пить

Verb checklist read читать have иметь meet встретить do делать buy покупать swim плавать drink пить eat есть go идти

Detectives Where did you go? What did you see there? Who did you meet? What did you have for dinner?

Home task Make up your own story using the following verbs: read have meet do buy swim drink go