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Бормина Виктория Александровна57

“Save the Earth”

Save the Earth

Pollution A power station

Pollution A factory

Pollution Toxic fumes

Pollution Factory waste

Pollution Acid rain

Pollution Polluted clouds

Pollution Loss of natural habitats

Pollution Air, water and soil pollution

Pollution Fish and plant species dying

Acid Rain 1) What is acid rain? It’s polluted rain which lands on trees, houses, buildings, cars, clothes and so on.

Acid Rain

Acid Rain Cars burn petrol, factories and power stations burn coal and emit toxic fumes. The air becomes polluted. This pollution is gathered in clouds and with the oxygen and water in the atmosphere it becomes acid. The wind carry the polluted clouds across long distances where it rains.

Acid Rain 2) What causes it? Toxic fumes gather in polluted clouds and become acid in the atmosphere.

Acid Rain 3) What effects does it have? It falls into lakes, streams, rivers and seas and they become toxic. So, it kills, harms and wipes out fish and plant species. It poisons trees and plants. It also causes serious damage to buildings and other objects.

Acid Rain 4) What are governments doing? They are trying to reduce the air pollution. Some industries are using new technologies.

Acid Rain 5) What can we do? We can use our cars less. We can use solar power to heat our homes.

Internet Resources http://protonsforbreakfast.wordpress.com/2011/06/09/is-the-cheapest-the-best/ http://blog.fleetowner.com http://inhabitat.com/nasa-to-spend-96-million-at-kennedy-space-center-cleaning-up-the-toxic-fumes-it-left-behind/ http://postconflict.unep.ch/sudanreport/sudan_website/index_photos_2.php?key=industrial%20plant http://agritech.tnau.ac.in/environment/envi_pollution_globalwarming_acidrain.html http://www.keepbanderabeautiful.org/cloudsi.gif http://coferspf10research.blogspot.com/2011/03/031811-artist-entry-george-logan.html http://www.enn.com/top_stories/article/21740 https://www.wecanlivegreen.com/greenliving/environmentalissues/pollution.html http://www.body-detox-info.com/soil-pollution.html http://www.greendiary.com/entry/10-disturbing-effects-global-warming-animals/

Internet Resources http://www.internationalrivers.org/blog/zachary-hurwitz/2012-1-24/fish-madeira-river-are-disappearing http://www.enov.co.uk/pages/Environment.html http://environmental.lilithezine.com/ http://russki.istockphoto.com/stock-illustration-14092615-earth-planet-with-environment-illustration.php http://planetpanels.com/tag/environment/ http://education.staffordshire.gov.uk/Curriculum/Subjectareas/esd/ http://blog.kis.ac.th/vallieit2010/category/uncategorized/