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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Поесещение зоопарков"

"Visiting three zoos: Tula Zoo – London Zoo – San Diego Zoo" 5 class

London zoo

Карта зоопарка

London zoo is one of the oldest and most wellknown zoos in the world. He was created in Regent's Park in 1828 and was called Zoological Gardens. In the 1860s the name was shortened and turned into Zoo. As the British Empire stretched farther across continents, more exotic animals were brought to be shown in Regent's Park. So since it was created, London zoo has become one of the capital's largest tourist attractions.

Tula Zoo The zoo situated at the bank of Upa river in Tula, was founded not long ago. There are 22 kinds of animals and birds here. It is a beautiful place where people can also make a wonderful trip along the Upa river

Tula Zoo

  San Diego Zoo The San Diego Zoo is one of the most famous zoos in the nation. Founded in 1916, the zoo is now home to over 3,700 animals. It was the first to create open-air exhibits for their animals rather than the cages that had previously been traditional in zoos. They offer everything from half-hour chats with zookeepers to eight hour private VIP tours of the entire zoo from the inside. The Skyfari air tram can take you from one side of the zoo to the other, offering you great views from overhead! If you decide to visit the San Diego Zoo, you should also take advantage of visiting the San Diego Safari Park which is only half an hour away.