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Казакова Ю.Л.93
Россия, Саха (Якутия) респ., Нерюнгри

Урок английского языка в 6 классе «Добро пожаловать в Великобританию!»

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение – Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2 г. Нерюнгри им М. К. Аммосова Презентация к уроку английского языка в 6 классе УМК: М.З Биболетова, О.А Денисенко, Н.Н Трубанева «Enjoy English» Тема урока: «Welcome to Great Britain!» Учитель: Казакова Юлия Леонидовна г. Нерюнгри, 2017

YOU ARE … smart good-looking kind funny nice hard-working lucky the best Cheer up! cool strong

thick - sick think - sink theme - seem thumb - sun thing - sing mouth - mouse Thirty thousand thirsty thieves thundered through the thicket.



What are we going to do at the lesson today?

Our assistants: I am the Grammar Wizard!

Look for mistakes United Kingdom consist of four country: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capitals of this part is London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. The official name of the country are the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. People usually calls it the UK. The name “United Kingdom” is first used in 1707.

United Kingdom consist of four country: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capitals of this part is London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. The official name of the country are the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. People usually calls it the UK. The name “United Kingdom” is first used in 1707. United Kingdom consist of four country: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capitals of this part is London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. The official name of the country are the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. People usually calls it the UK. The name “United Kingdom” is first used in 1707. Abrakadabra!

Look for mistakes The United Kingdom consists of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capitals of these parts are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. People usually call it the UK. The name “United Kingdom” was first used in 1707.

Let’s play! Stand up! Sit down! Jump! Clap your hands!

The climate here is rather cool and 1… but it often rains which is good for plants. The British love their gardens full of 2…flowers. Great Britain is rich in gardens and parks which are 3… all over the world. wordbuilding The climate here is rather cool and 1… but it often rains which is good for plants. The British love their gardens full of 2…flowers. Great Britain is rich in gardens and parks which are 3… all over the world. The English language is the 4… language of international 5… in the world. CHANGE BEAUTY FAME ONE COMMUNICATE

The climate here is rather cool and CHANGEABLE but it often rains which is good for plants. The British love their gardens full of BEAUTIFUL flowers. Great Britain is rich in gardens and parks which are FAMOUS all over the world. wordbuilding The climate here is rather cool and CHANGEABLE but it often rains which is good for plants. The British love their gardens full of BEAUTIFUL flowers. Great Britain is rich in gardens and parks which are FAMOUS all over the world. The English language is the FIRST language of international COMMUNICATION in the world. CHANGE BEAUTY FAME ONE COMMUNICATE

The United Kingdom 1… of 2… than 5000 islands of different sizes. Great Britain is the 3… island. Great Britain 4… England, Scotland and Wales. It 5… Northern Ireland. The national flag of the United Kingdom 6… the Union Jack. English 7… the official language of the country. Grammar rules The United Kingdom 1… of 2… than 5000 islands of different sizes. Great Britain is the 3… island. Great Britain 4… England, Scotland and Wales. It 5… Northern Ireland. The national flag of the United Kingdom 6… the Union Jack. English 7… the official language of the country. CONSIST MUCH LARGE INCLUDE NOT INCLUDE CALL BE

The United Kingdom 1 CONSISTS of 2 MORE than 5000 islands of different sizes. Great Britain is the 3 LARGEST island. Great Britain 4 INCLUDES England, Scotland and Wales. It 5 DOESN’T INCLUDE Northern Ireland. The national flag of the United Kingdom 6 IS CALLED the Union Jack. English 7 IS the official language of the country. Grammar rules The United Kingdom 1 CONSISTS of 2 MORE than 5000 islands of different sizes. Great Britain is the 3 LARGEST island. Great Britain 4 INCLUDES England, Scotland and Wales. It 5 DOESN’T INCLUDE Northern Ireland. The national flag of the United Kingdom 6 IS CALLED the Union Jack. English 7 IS the official language of the country. CONSIST MUCH LARGE INCLUDE NOT INCLUDE CALL BE

You are very smart students! In this lesson… I felt… I learnt …(that/ how to …) It was difficult to… It was easy to… I liked … I didn’t like… I want to know more about …

Your homework is… Read the text, ex 34 p 83, answer the questions in ex 35 p 84