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Канафьева Валерия Игоревна33
Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

"В мире профессий"

АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 5 класс Тема урока: «В МИРЕ ПРОФЕССИЙ» 2023 Учитель: Канафьева Валерия Игоревна

Actor [æktə] Актер Farmer [ˈfɑːmə] Фермер Architect [ˈɑːkɪtekt] Архитектор Fireman [faiəmən] Пожарный Baker [ˈbeɪkə] Пекарь Hairdresser [ˈheədresə] Парикмахер Banker [ˈbeɪkə] Пекарь Housewife [hauswaıf] Домохозяйка Builder [bıldə] Строитель Journalist [ʤə:nəlıst] Журналист Businessman [bɪznəsmən] Бизнесмен Nurse [nɜːs] Медсестра Chef [ʃef] Шеф-повар Pilot ['pailət ] Летчик Cook [kʋk] Повар Policeman [pə'li:smən] Полицейский Dancer [ˈdɑːnsə] Танцор Postman [pəustmən] Почтальон Dentist [ˈdentɪst] Стоматолог Shop assistant [ʃɒp əˈsɪstənt] Продавец Doctor [dɔktə] Врач Singer [ˈsɪŋə] Певец Dressmaker ˈdresmeɪkə] Портниха Sportsman [spɔ:tsmən] Спортсмен Driver [draıvə] Водитель Teacher [ti:ʧə] Учитель Engineer [enʤı’nıə] Инженер Writer [ˈraɪtə] Писатель Jobs Vocabulary for Children

corodt nesur fmerar lipoceman distent riderv doctor nurse farmer policeman dentist driver

Marco farmer nurse hairdresser architect pilot dancer Pedro dentist chef singer teacher policeman Pepe Danna Joseph Juana George Maria George Sara Luis Anna doctor

They are farmers. She is a music teacher. He is a cook. She is a dressmaker. He is a shop assistant. He is a pilot. They are writers. She is a singer. They are doctors. He is a banker. Write what their jobs are. 1. Sue and Bob work on the farm. __________________________ 2. Mary teachers music at school. __________________________ 6. David flies planes. __________________________ 7. Bess and Kate write books. __________________________ 3. Denis cooks food. __________________________ 8. Lis sings songs. __________________________ 4. Margaret makes dressers. __________________________ 9. Tim and Paul work in a hospital. __________________________ 5. Tom works in a shop. __________________________ 10. Dan works in a bank. __________________________


 A hairdresser  A hairdresser Capable, accurate, Cuts, combs, does hairstyles A hairdresser must be creative Mary is a hairdresser. She is capable and accurate. At her job she cuts, combs and does hairstyles. To be the best hairdresser Mary must be creative. Mary

A doctor A doctor Caring Attentive Examines, Treats, Saves Must help people Tom is a doctor. He is caring and attentive. At his job he examines, treats and saves. Tom helps people. Tom

CINQUAIN (СИНКВЕЙН) Rule writing cinquain One noun Two adjectives Three verbs. А phrase of four words showing your opinion to the topic. Synonym of the first line which repeats the essence of the theme.

A doctor Caring, attentive, Saves, examines, treats. Doctors help sick people. Health.