12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Нигматуллина Рамиля Салимовна368
Россия, Башкирская респ., Бирск

Технологическая карта урока английского языка на тему «Как быть здоровым?»

How to be healthy?

1 Which of them are vegetables or fruit? a kiwi → a potato→ a carrot → an apple → cabbage → a grapefruit → a tomato 2 Put the letters in the following words into the correct order and write them down. wdanschi → dbare → lcoa → ikml → dlaas → cie rmeca →

Healthy or Unhealthy ? Chocolate Hot dog Bananas Apples Cakes Vegetables Ice cream Juice Chips Sandwich

Healthy Food: Unhealthy Food:

Riddles 1 It’s yellow. I drink tea with it. It’s уuck. What is it? 2 It’s white. It’s good to drink. What is it? 3 It’s brown but not tea. I eat it with soup. 4 It’s red. It’s not a fruit. I eat it in salad and pizza. 5 It’s a long, thin fruit that starts with “B”. Monkeys like to eat it. 6 It's white, cold and sweet.  All children like it.

MUST (должен) You must swim You must not swim


I think I must /mustn't ...

I think I must /mustn't ...

Group 1 What must you eat to be healthy? Group 2 What must you do to be healthy? Group 3 What mustn’t you do to be unhealthy? I think I must eat … because I want to be healthy. I must clean my teeth …. I have ….. for breakfast. I know I mustn’t eat …. I don’t eat ….

How can you be healthy? Eat carrots, apples Have porridge, cheese and cabbage and milk for breakfast You must run, skate, swim, play football or tennis Don’t eat sweets, cakes You mustn’t read in and sandwiches. Don’t bed. be lazy! You must wash your face, clean your teeth