12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Аксенова Елена Андреевна1812
учитель английского языка
Россия, Коми респ., Ухта

Технологическая карта вводного урока «Разные страны-разные ландшафты. Введение новой лексики»

How did you spend your holiday?

Different Landscape-Different countries Where did you spend your summer holiday? summer Ukhta Abroad Russia

Different Landscape-Different countries brainstorming What did you see? What did you do? summer Ukhta Abroad Russia

Why do people travel? What attracts tourists?

Do you know The most beautiful places in the world? Pre-listening 1. Geiranger Fjord 2. Maldives 3. Lao Cai 4. Salar de Uyuni 5.Yosemite NP 6.Midway Island 7. Pamukkale 8. Meteora 9. Zhangye Danxia Landform 10. Florland National Park A. was established in 1952 B. is situated in Norway C. “Cotton Castle” D. the largest salt flat E. tall sequoia trees F. a desert island paradise G. rice terraces H. “Middle of the sky” I. painted by God himself

Watch the video and check

What place Would you like to visit ? Why? What is common in these places? different countries natural beauty ………. What are we going to speak about in the 1st Unit? Open your book and check

How different the world is! UNIT 1

Word power Ex 1 I don’t know Find meaning I know Check myself

Word power Ex 1 I don’t know meaning I know I was wrong desert пустыня hill + coast побережье Fill the table during the lesson

Reading for the main idea Ex2 What countries are described? A. B. C. A. Australia B. The UK C. The USA

Let’s compare the geographical position of these countries. Group work

Example of the venn diagram Try to add something!

Example of the venn diagram Try to add something!

Rules of making

Choose 2 countries and find differences and similarities 1. The USA and the UK 2. The USA and Australia 3. The UK and Australia

Present your diagram and check out Group diagram speaking can get 5 points add +beautiful +interesting +informative + + +logical +confident +correct + + 1. The USA and the UK 2. The USA and Australia 3. The UK and Australia

Homework What is special about the geographical position of Russia? What landscape is typical of your region? Make your diagram comparing Russia with one of these countries

What Country Would you like to visit ? Why? What is common in these countries? English language natural beauty ………. What are we going to learn in the 1st Unit? different countries Do you need to known English language to travel abroad?

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