12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Курдаева Аниса Равильевна34
Россия, Красноярский край, Красноярск

Test (Holidays. Traveling)


    Explain the words and word combinations in English:

youth hostel



charter flight

a discerning traveler

    Fill in an appropriate word or phrase:

    The Smiths stayed at a … last summer because all other kinds of holiday accommodation were too expensive for them.

    Bob is a … : he never sits round for long and always has some project or other.

    Camping is OK if you don’t mind … .

    Usually you are permitted 20 kilos, but if your bags weigh more, you may have to pay … .

    People who spend all their time in big cities often like to … back to … when they go away for a holiday.

    The announcer usually announces when and at what … your flight is boarding.

    Write the sentences in other words:

    I am a bird that eats the flesh of art.

    We spent the holiday in a flat where we had to cook for ourselves.

    You can get a bed on the ferry in a little room with three other beds.

    Could I have an early morning call at 7 a.m. please ?

4.Translate the sentences into English:

    Вы можете оставить свой багаж в камере хранения.

    Пожалуйста, пристегните ремни безопасности и воздержитесь от курения.

    Многие молодые люди в Англии проводят свой отпуск на молодёжных турбазах.

    В США Рождество и Пасха являются главными христианскими праздниками.

    Радикальное крыло пуританского движения преследовалось официальной церковью и правительством Англии.

5.Answer the questions:

    What can you say about the Youth Hostels Association?

    What is a bank holiday?

    Are all public holidays in England celebrated on fixed days?

    What are the main Christian holidays in Russia?

    What typically American holidays do you know?


    Explain the words and word combinations in English:

camp site



Apex flight

culture vulture

    Fill in an appropriate word or phrase:

    Doing unpaid work at the hospital has been a … experience for me.

    Mary’s a bit of a … : she never keeps doing one activity for a long time.

    Inns and guest houses usually have quite a … .

    It was a lovely cruise; we just … all day.

    We rented a … villa. It was nice to be so near the beach.

    After checking-in your luggage will be put into the … of the plane.

    Write the sentences in other words:

    I do some of this and some of that, but never all of this or all of that.

    When you get there, the bus or taxi to your hotel is included in the cost of your holiday.

    Some types of accommodation offer only breakfast and one other meal, but some types offer all meals.

    I had to book our room three months in advance because it was the middle of the tourist season.

4. Translate the sentences into English:

    Скорые поезда останавливаются только на больших станциях, тогда как пассажирские поезда останавливаются на всех станциях.

    На этот рейс сейчас производится посадка у выхода № 7.

    Я чувствую себя здоровым как бык, потому что люблю жизнь на свежем воздухе.

    Все американцы отмечают день Независимости.

    В Хеллоуин взрослые и дети надевают маски, наряжаются в ведьм и приведений.

    Answer the questions:

    What is a caravan holiday?

    Why is the second day of Christmas called Boxing Day?

    What is the greatest holiday in Britain?

    Why is the Victory Day a very important holiday in Russia?

    What do you know about the history of Thanksgiving Day in the US?


1. Explain the words and word combinations in English:

self-catering accommodation



Budget flight

a shopacholic

2. Fill in an appropriate word or phrase:

    I’d like to me on the school committee, but it’s very …, and I don’t have a lot of free time.

    Kat is a real … : she goes to every theatre and art gallery she can find.

    If you have hand luggage, you can put it under your seat or in the … above your seat.

    The tourism … is very important to the economy of developing countries.

    This company excellent and their prices are … .

    It often happens that a delay on a flight is due to … weather conditions.

3. Write the sentences in other words:

    I’m a vegetable that sits where humans sit.

    It was a regular flight which the airline runs every day.

    Car hire is one of the ways of traveling to different places.

    Nobody likes to travel to a place where there will be hoards of other tourists.

    Translate the sentences into English:

    Каким классом вы собираетесь путешествовать?

    Рейс 585 до Нью-Йорка отменяется из-за неблагоприятных погодных условий.

    Многие англичане предпочитают проводить отпуск в доме на колёсах.

    Второй типично американский праздник – это День благодарения.

    Они благодарят Бога за минувший год и за первый урожай 1621года первых европейских поселенцев в Америке.

    Answer the questions:

    What is a holiday camp?

    What do people the world over celebrate in Easter?

    What can you say about Mother’s Day in Britain?

    What is in common between Women’s Day in Russia and Mother’s Day in England?

    What is the origin of the name Santa Claus?


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