«My life ambitions»

Материал опубликован 16 November 2023

«My life ambitions»

Выполнила: Водясова Дарья Сергеевна, 11класс, МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №33»

The phrase «Life ambitions» is understood in different ways. As for me, life ambitions are the aspirations and goals that individuals have in their lives. These ambitions vary from person to person, from age to age, from some specific life situations or family backgrounds. Thus it can encompass various aspects such as education, relationships, personal growth, and some other achievements. At this stage of my life it is important for me to enter a good university and get a decent education. The next step is to get a successful and fulfilling career and build a loving family. Maintaining a good health and close relationship with my family achieving financial stability are the stepping stones on the way to any further development to my mind.

Nevertheless, as I said before, everyone has different life ambitions. For example, some are focused not only on their lives but on the others’ wellbeing too. I really like a quote «we are responsible for those we have tamed» from «The little prince» by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This book shows different life values of different people. The little prince realizes that taking care of someone is highly important and responsible and imposes on us the duty to preserve and protect our tamed ones. I completely agree with him and adhere to this ambition. I have a cat and he has been living with me for 7 years. I took it from the street. I had been looking after it for some time before adopting. During that time it was breaking my heart to see indifferent people passing by it. Some people prefer only material things and forget about spiritual values or sympathy.

Fortunately there are people who use their welth for the benefit of others. For example, the well-known actor Leonardo Di Caprio is an environmentalist. For more than two decades, he has been contributing a lot to solve the problems of climate change and pollution of our planet. He regularly holds charity gala concerts and other fundraising events for the protection of wildlife.

I admire such real-life example because there is no good without labour and the above mentioned celebrity proves this proverb. I am inspired with such people and I would like to do the same. Every year on May 9th, I go to the veterans house, give them flowers and thank them for their invaluable sacrifice.

We must not forget these people. In the future, I plan to take care of our environment and the animals that are listed in the Red Book. I need to do my best, because you can not catch a fish from a pond without difficulty, same as you cannot make the world a better place without hard work.

In conclusion, I want to say that you do not need to give up if there are obstacles on the way to your ambitions. I believe that my goals will be fulfilled.

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16 November 2023

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