Материал на проверке

Проект Россия от А до Я

Материал опубликован В прошлом году

ПРОЕКТ Россия от А до Я A-Z my country Выполнила ученица 9 А Серёжечкина Альбина Руководитель Мосиенко Анна Владимировна

A Azov mountain. It is with this mountain that all sorts of legends about treasures and treasures hidden by robbers are connected. There is also a legend about the Ghost of a mysterious girl in a white dress. Pavel Bazhov wrote about the mountain Azov. 

B Balalaika began to be perceived not only as a musical instrument, but also as a symbol of the Russian nation, Russia.  Balalaika

C Chekhov Anton Pavlovich Russian writer, novelist, playwright. Classic of world literature. His works have been translated into more than 100 languages. His plays have been staged in many theatres of the world for over 100 years. 

D Dostoyevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich Russian writer, thinker, philosopher and publicist. His work influenced the world literature. Many well-known works of Dostoevsky portrayed and dramatized in the theater, the ballet and the Opera 

E Hero of the Russian fairy tale «BY THE PIKES WISH». Simple and are a good guy. He is known for riding a self-propelled furnace and the deal with the pike.  Emelya

F City in the Crimea. City of military glory. Attractions - Archangels Church, Cape Chauda, national art gallery behalf of I. K. Aivazovsky… Feodosiya

G Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich The first man in space, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, military pilot 1st class, honored master of sports of the USSR. 

H Hermitage One of the largest and most significant art and cultural and historical museums in the world. The state Hermitage Museum is one of the twenty most visited art museums in the world. 

I St. Isaac's Cathedral The largest Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg. The Cathedral has the status of a Museum. 

J The Juno and Avos One of the most famous Soviet rock operas by composer Alexey Rybnikov. 

K Kremlin Fortress in the center of Moscow. This is the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation. 

L Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich Russian poet, novelist, playwright, artist. Lermontov's works received a great response in painting, theater, cinema. 

M Maslenitsa Slavic traditional holiday The main traditional attributes of the national celebration of Maslenitsa, the effigy of carnival, fun, sleigh rides, festivities, pancakes and tortillas. 

N Nosov Nicolai Nicolaevich Soviet children's writer-novelist, playwright, screenwriter. He was best known as a children's writer, author of works on «Neznaika». 

O Onegin Evgeny A novel in verse by Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, one of the most significant works of Russian literature

P Plisetskaya Maya Mikhailovna Soviet ballet dancer, choreographer, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi theater. 

Q Queen Alexandra The wife of Nicholas II. Nee Princess Victoria Alice Helena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt. Nicholas II also called her Alix - derived from Alice and Alexandra. 

R Royal gates One of the seven surviving city gates of Kaliningrad. At the gate there are exhibitions dedicated to the emergence and development of the fortress city of Koenigsberg. 

S Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich Russian landscape painter, painter, draughtsman and printmaker. 

T Tchaikovsky Pyotr Ilyich Russian composer, teacher, conductor and music critic. Tchaikovsky is one of the greatest composers of the world. 

U Ural Vision Gallery Modern art space in Yekaterinburg. It is regularly organizes personal and collective exhibitions both for young Russian artists, and for generally recognized artists of Russia and Europe. 

V Volga One of the largest rivers on Earth and the longest in Europe. There is a unique Astrakhan reserve. 

W War and peace The novel is an epic of Leo Tolstoy describing Russian society during the wars against Napoleon 

Y Yashin Lev Ivanovich Soviet football player, goalkeeper, Olympic and European champion, honored master of sports of the USSR, the best goalkeeper of the XX century. 

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