12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Вазыхова Алсу Хамитовна21

Inside Out 2015

(from 20 min – till 30 min)

1. Change the following sentences into the Reported Speech. Don’t forget about different author’s words.

1) MOM : Hey, Riley. I’ve got good news!

2) MOM: I found a junior hockey league right here in San Francisco.

3) MOM’S SADNESS: We’re going to find out what’s happening.

4) DISGUST: <…> (to Fear) YOU pretend to be Joy.

5) MOM: Riley, is everything okay?

2. Answer the questions:

1) What is this video about?

2) What is the reason of the conflict at the kitchen table?

3) Did you like the video (cartoon)? Why? / Why not? Explain your opinion (your feelings) about the video (cartoon) in 4-5 sentences.

Good Luck!



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