12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
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Материал опубликовала
Копчикова Мария Алексеевна17
Россия, Кировская обл., Киров

Указатели количества


(apples, tables, people)


(rice, milk, money)

Большое количество


She has a lot of friends

+ a lot of

She drinks a lot of tea

/ ? many

- There aren’t many people here

? How many friends do you have?

/ ? much

- I’m busy I don’t have much time

? How much water do you drink a day?

Некоторое количество

+ There are some apples on the table

? Could I have some grapes?

+ и вежливый вопрос


+ There is some milk in the fridge

? Would you like some juice?

- He didn’t buy any flowers

? Are there any clean cups?

- / ? any

- We don’t have any bread

? Do you have any money?


+ few

+ He is lonely. He has few friends

(мало, недостаточно)

+ little

+ I don’t understand you I speak little English

+ a few

+ I’m happy there I have a few good friends

(мало, но достаточно)

+ a little

+ I don’t understand you I speak a little English

Указатели количества


(apples, tables, people)


(rice, milk, money)

Большое количество


She has a lot of friends

+ a lot of

She drinks a lot of tea

/ ? many

- There aren’t many people here

? How many friends do you have?

/ ? much

- I’m busy I don’t have much time

? How much water do you drink a day?

Некоторое количество

+ There are some apples on the table

? Could I have some grapes?

+ и вежливый вопрос


+ There is some milk in the fridge

? Would you like some juice?

- He didn’t buy any flowers

? Are there any clean cups?

- / ? any

- We don’t have any bread

? Do you have any money?


+ few

+ He is lonely. He has few friends

(мало, недостаточно)

+ little

+ I don’t understand you I speak little English

+ a few

+ I’m happy there I have a few good friends

(мало, но достаточно)

+ a little

+ I don’t understand you I speak a little English


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