Урок-викторина по английскому языку «День Благодарения»

Материал опубликован 8 April 2016

Автор презентации: Евдакименко В.В., учитель иностранных языков 2016

Заметки для учителя Вступление. Речь учителя. Дата праздника. Просмотр видеоролика (слайд 3). Введение ключевых слов (слайды 4-19). Подготовка монологического высказывания. Сообщения об истории праздника. Можно давать в качестве индивидуального задания (Слайды 20 -31). Викторина. Тест на закрепление и проверку усвоения лексики (слайды 32-46 или использование интерактивного урока, раздел «Think» на сайте http://ed.ted.com/on/BgdB5HnS#review ). Можно провести в формате командной игры. Команды по очереди отгадывают слова или каждая команда отдельно за своим компьютером отгадывает вопросы викторины. За каждый правильный ответ даем одно очко. Здесь важно, чтобы слово отгадывала вся команда (или, по крайней мере, большая ее часть) (Слайды 32-46) Заключение, подсчет количества баллов и определение победителя (Слайд 47) Исполнение песни «The Mayflower». (Слайды 48-49)

Repeat the Thanksgiving words after your teacher

Thanksgiving, the 4th Thursday of November


Pilgrims Travellers who are on a journey to a holly place.

the name of the ship The Mayflower

Native Americans - Indians





a pumpkin pie

The History of Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving happened in 1621, at Plymouth Colony, in Massachusetts.

The feast lasted three days providing enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Native Americans.

They ate fowl, venison, fish, lobsters, clams, berries, fruit, pumpkin, squash, beetroot, and turkey.

The Pilgrims were giving thanks to God for helping them survive their first brutal winter.

It has been an annual tradition in the USA since 1863.

Thanksgiving today

Now people have family parties.

People are thankful to God, their family and friends for good relationships and for all they have.

They eat roast turkey and pumpkin pies.

Thanksgiving quiz

When did the first Thanksgiving happen? In 1621.

What is the name of the ship on which the pilgrims made their voyage to America? The Mayflower

What is traditional thanksgiving food? Roast turkey and a pumpkin pie.

When is Thanksgiving celebrated? On the 4th Thursday of November.

Where did the first Thanksgiving happened? Massachusetts

Who celebrated the first Thanksgiving? Pilgrims

What were pilgrims giving thanks for? They were giving thanks to God for helping them survive their first winter.

What did they eat? They ate turkey, venison, fish, lobsters, clams, berries, fruit, pumpkin, squash, beetroot.

How do people celebrate Thanksgiving today? They have a family dinner and family parties.

What tradition do people have? They visit churches, have a family dinner and family parties.

Who cuts the turkey? The oldest member of the family

Who always cooks turkey for Thanksgiving ? mother

To whom do people give thanks today? They thank God, their family and friends for good relationships and for all they have.

What is traditional thanksgiving food? Roast turkey and a pumpkin pie.

Your mark is: 13-14 right answers - «5» 12-11 right answers - «4» 10-9 right answers - «3»

«The Mayflower»

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