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Защитники Отечества Группа б-12 мпэк Москва 2024

The one who truly loves his Homeland is a true defender of the Fatherland. After all, it's not just a soldier who knows how to hold a weapon. There are no age restrictions in this concept. Every person is a defender of their Fatherland! And it is possible to defend the Motherland not only at the front. Now the war has moved to the web, an information war, so you can fight fake and similar on the Internet. Therefore, I believe that anyone can be a defender of the fatherland, a woman, a man, an adult or a teenager, a military man or an IT specialist. We can all be defenders of our homeland and we can defend it in different ways. I believe that the following qualities should be present in a modern defender of the Fatherland: erudition, education, determination. Also, undoubtedly, he must have a strong spirit. And what about reliability and fearlessness? With these qualities, everyone will be the real defender of their Fatherland! Kornilova Varya

Heroes of the homeland can be both military personnel and people who are not indifferent to society and show charity, civic initiative, volunteering and other manifestations of civic activity. Dobrynya Nikitich has many virtues: he is educated, tactful, courteous, knows how to act like an ambassador, plays the harp masterfully, he is dexterous, has a quick turn on his feet, and is an excellent swimmer. He is a skilled chess player; even the Tatar Khan, an expert in this game, cannot defeat him. The qualities of Dobrynya Nikitich are crowned by the ability to shoot excellently: in this art the hero has no equal. He has courage and enormous physical strength, while being courteous and diplomatic. Dobrynya spoke “12 languages and knew the conversation of birds.” According to epics, Dobrynya Nikitich is the son of the Ryazan governor Nikita. Dobrynya is the hero closest to the prince and his family, carrying out their personal assignments and distinguished not only by his courage, but also by his diplomatic abilities. The main work of his life was military service to Rus'. Bogatyr Dobrynya Nikitich is from a noble, wealthy family. He is from the glorious city of Ryazan. This is a well-known and beloved warrior by the people. Dobrynya is skilled in fighting, swimming, and archery. He is dressed richly and elegantly. Dobrynya’s shield is decorated with stones, his sword is damask, and his gaze is intent. Under him, a white long-maned horse stands, its nostrils flaring, apparently sensing the enemy. Dobrynya Nikitich is smart, stocky and strong. He won't hurt anyone. Medvedeva Anastasia

The epic hero, as well as his friends at the heroic outposts and battles for Russia. It was in the service of the people that Ilya distinguished himself, since he earned such a kind and centuries-old memory of himself. According to the time of his life, his fighting feats could have been in the 1160–1180s. For courage, strength, courage not in feudal skirmishes, but in the fight against real, fierce enemies, Ilya Muromets and remained in the memory of the people’s one of the favorite defenders of the Fatherland. For many years he served the Motherland, protecting it from numerous enemies. From childhood to the age of 33, Ilya «sit on the stove» and then miraculously received healing from three elders, who awarded him with heroic power. After healing, Ilya was a member of the Kiev prince’s squad, he was «the first hero in Kiev» and became famous for his military feats and unprecedented power.The prototype of the epic hero is considered to be a warrior and monk Elijah, the wonderworker of Murom, who lived in the XII century during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh. Ilya’s military exploits are shrouded in legends, and at the end of his life he became a monk and rested in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The heroic whistle is the ability to make a loud piercing whistle that can kneel and even kill weaker opponents and their horses, as well as to incline grass and trees on the scale of entire fields and forests. Ruzmanova Dasha

Who are the defenders of the Fatherland? These are people who stand guard over their homeland, the peace and security of its citizens. They even have their own holiday, it is celebrated on February 23. The history of our country knows many examples of worthy defenders of the Fatherland. Our people have never retreated before the enemy, defending their land. If we recall the Great Patriotic War, it will be impossible to list all the defenders who did not allow the Nazis to take over our country, and with it many others. Many of these people became heroes, some posthumously. Our homeland has known many wars since Ancient Russia. And there have always been people who are ready to defend their people and their land. Many of them have put their lives on it. No State can exist without people to ensure its security. And what qualities should a real defender have? This is, first of all, a sense of patriotism, honor, conscience, and justice. There are people whose meaning of life is military service, the rest stand up for the defense of the Motherland out of necessity. But both of them, in case of danger, do everything necessary to help the country. Defenders of the Fatherland are always very courageous, even heroic people, and each of them deserves respect. In peacetime, there are also enough people who can be called defenders – these are employees of special services, police, rescuers. All of them are working to ensure that the country can sleep peacefully. Polozkova Lilia

There have always been wars in the world and our country needed defenders. There have been many brave and courageous men in history who have fought bravely for the peaceful skies above our heads. For many, the defenders are the men who have served in the military, who go to the front, are the men who are drafted to go to war. Defenders are those people who die at the front for their country, for a peaceful sky above their heads. There are two people in my family that I consider my defenders, they are my dad and my brother. They did not serve in the army, but for me they are the main defenders. For me a defender is not a man who served in the army, but a man who is ready to fight for the sake of peace and protection of his relatives. A real defender will always come to your aid in any situation and will not turn away from you. Thanks to such people I feel calm and protected, I know that someone will always be ready to help me, to rescue me from any difficulties and give a helping hand, and most importantly to do it unselfishly, from the bottom of my heart. Ulyana Smurygina