12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Полянская Ирина Николаевна269
Россия, Москва, Москва

After reading the six chapters of Dickens's book David Copperfield, we can see the main problems of this work. to begin with, we can say that the book still contains the worst and most positive heroics despite the tragedy that is happening to a little boy. For example, Miss Peggotty, she loved the boy and was always worried about him. She came to his school after Mr. Murdstone let him go there. Miss Piggotty even took David on vacation and they spent time together with her family. David's mother Clara Copperfield, even though she came under the influence of Mr. Murdstone, the woman loved her son and was very attached to him. When Miss Betsy's aunt found out that he was her nephew's son, she immediately took him in, dressed and washed him, she did not give the little boy to Mr. David.   

Even though there are good characters in the book who are able to show their best qualities, there is quite a lot of cruelty towards David Copperfield. for example, the boy's stepfather, Mr. Murdstone, he treated David terribly. The man bullied the poor child for no particular reason and believed that he was doing the right thing. Mr. Murston did not allow the boy to communicate with his mother, and after that he sent him to boarding school. this is a very bad and terrible situation. Mr. Murdstone is a negative character who behaves very cruelly.

in my opinion, the book is very interesting and it should definitely be read. it reveals the problem of the relationship of parents to a child. Unfortunately, in our time there are also such situations. it happens in some families that the beating of children and moral humiliation are considered the norm.

Автор материала: Ю. Варволкова (1 курс)

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