Электронная кредитная карта

Материал опубликован 12 February

Автор публикации: П. Антоненко, студентка 3 курса

Еlectronic credit card Antonenko polina db-34 Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова» Московский промышленно-экономический колледж

Electronic credit card An electronic credit card is a payment instrument without a physical carrier, it exists only in electronic form and is intended primarily for payment for services and purchases on the Internet, it represents data of bank card details. You can only view your virtual credit card in online banking and mobile banking.

Card details When registering, you receive only the details: the number and expiration date, the name and surname of the owner in Latin, as well as CVC2 / CVV codes. This information allows you to pay where plastic is not needed — on the Internet.

How to use it The electronic credit card can be used immediately after registration. select the product and proceed to the purchase; fill out the payment form — enter the card details; enter a one-time password and confirm the payment transaction; you complete the purchase.

Security For money transfers and online transactions using digital media, you will not have to disclose the data of the main plastic to third parties. If someone gets hold of the details of an electronic credit card and tries to steal your funds, you will immediately learn about it from an SMS from the bank and will be able to block the card without any regret.

How to get a electronic card

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