Автор публикации: Ш. Даниил, ученик 8А класса
Автор публикации: Ш. Даниил, ученик 8А класса
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It all began back in 1826, when, by decree of Empress Miria Feodorovna, «Workshops of various crafts» were created for orphan boys of the orphanage. For these purposes, the palace in the German Settlement, which burned down in 1812, was rebuilt by one of the best architects of that time, D. Gilardi. In 1830, Emperor Nicholas I approved the provision in which the workshops received the official status of a «Craft educational institution». Starting from this time, admission to the college is competitive. For almost 60 years, the Moscow Educational Craft Institution, and then the Imperial Moscow Technical School (IMTU) was under the department of charitable institutions of Empress Maria Feodorovna, and then under the direct patronage of the Emperor
Location:Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya street , 5
World exhibitions, congresses, and congresses attended by representatives of the school contributed to the expansion of scientific ties and the strengthening of its authority. It was then that business relations with the largest German companies Krupp and Siemens began to develop. And the famous American scientist and inventor T.A. Edison presented his autographed portrait to IMT. It was constantly improved, and in 1903 IMTU received universal recognition as the best engineering university in Russia. By this time, it became clear that it was not manual labor in locksmithing and turning workshops, but scientific experience in a technically equipped laboratory that determines the development of technology. And soon, with the direct financial support of Russian industrialists and merchants, the Institute of materials testing, hydraulic, aerodynamic and electrical laboratories, and the Institute of Fibrous Substances Technology were built.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the role of IMTU in the technical and scientific life of the country is constantly increasing. Fundamental scientific schools are being formed at the school, caused by the intensive growth of industry and the involvement of outstanding scientists in the school. In the field of theoretical mechanics and aeromechanics, the „father of Russian aviation” N.E. Zhukovsky works with his students – S.A. Chaplygin, B.N. Yuryev, V.P. Vetchinkin. :
Among the outstanding graduates of MSTU are hundreds of outstanding scientists and designers, cosmonauts, military leaders and statesmen: N.A. Dollezhal – chief designer of nuclear reactors, S.A. Lebedev – the «Father» of Soviet high-speed electronic computers, general designers of aircraft: A.N. Tupolev, S.A. Lavochkin, V.M. Petlyakov, P.O. Sukhoi, V.M. Myasishchev, Chief Designer of rocket and space systems – S.P. Korolev. More than half of the flight engineers of Russian orbital space stations are graduates of MSTU.
After 1917, the school underwent a number of transformations (see the family tree). On the basis of MGTU, the following were formed: TSAGI, VIAM, CIAM, NAMI. In 1930, on the basis of the faculties of MSTU, they were formed: MAI, MEI, MISI, Academy of Chemical Protection. But the difficult years of transformation could not break the «SPIRIT OF MGTU». By 1945, five faculties were organized at MSTU. The issues of precision instrumentation began to develop especially rapidly at that time, in connection with which a number of specialized departments in precision mechanics, instrumentation technology, automated information systems and a number of others were formed. Subsequently, a large instrument engineering faculty grew up on their basis. At the cradle of the new departments stood the students of the school, the keepers of its traditions, keenly feeling the new, focused on the future.
At the turn of the 21st century, the University participates in the implementation of 27 scientific and technical programs of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in 6 of which MSTU is the parent organization, 13 scientific and technical programs and 21 projects of the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation, 39 grants from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 24 grants from the RFBR. Among these programs and projects, scientific research in the field of instrumentation occupies a significant place. Including: the largest program of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation «Universities of Russia», «Conversion and high technologies», «Non-destructive testing and diagnostics», «Sensors», «Radioelectronic systems and devices for predicting and controlling emergencies», «Space systems», «Optical technologies, equipment and materials», «Laser technologies», «Computer engineering, development and integration of networks», etc. According to the official UNESCO rating, Bauman Moscow State Technical University is one of the five leading universities in the world, occupying an honorable fifth place. (the third place is taken by Lomonosov Moscow State University).