«My life ambitions»

Материал опубликован 16 November 2023

Автор публикации: М. Евграфова, ученица 11А класса

«My life ambitions»

Ambition is the constant striving of a person to achieve his goals, the desire to realize their potential. To my mind, every person should have some ambitions. It’s very important in modern world. As for me, I have a lot of life ambitions. The first and the main ambition is to be a translator. I believe that this profession is very significant in politician part of any state. I’m sure that without translators it is difficult for politician figures to understand each other. That’s why I do my best to become a translator and to help our state in international relations. To achieve my goals I do a lot: read English texts, do different tasks, watch series in original, take courses in English and even start to learn Spanish. I believe that my dream will come true in several years and I will stay good translator!

The second ambition ismake our world a better place. I am very worried about environment situation in last years.I have studied a lot of information on this topic and came to the conclusion that I am obliged to help our planet! I started with the simplest - garbage sorting. I think anyone can do it. I also use paper packages instead of cellophane ones. In the future I want to join a volunteer group that helps animals, goes on ecological hikes and even proposes new laws to combat environmental pollution. In my opinion, it’s important to save our planet clean because the state of our planet affects people's health. For example, air pollution has a bad effect on the respiratory organs. Noise pollution leads to physical and nervous diseases, increased fatigue, and reduced labor productivity.So I want to do our world better and preserve its original beauty.

The third ambition is travel around the world. My dream is to see all beautiful places on our planet. I think that travelling is the most interesting thing that we can imagine. It gives us an opportunity to broaden our horizons, getacquainted with the traditions of other cultures, languages and customs. Moreover, we can travel not only to exotic places, but also to our country. There are many beautiful rivers, lakes and important landmarks in Russia. I would like to see them with my own eyes, not just in pictures.

In conclusion, I can say that we all have different ambitions not similar to each other, but I think, that to achieve the set goals we should do a big work and have some patience and perseverance.

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