Новогодние каникулы
Автор публикации: Т. Сергоян, студентка 2 курса
Автор публикации: А. Мартиросян, студентка 2 курса
Автор публикации: Е. Ермачкова, студентка 2 курса
Новогодние каникулыDOCX / 14.57 Кб
/data/files/x1705320846.docx (Новогодние каникулы)D
Новогодние праздникиDOCX / 13.39 Кб
/data/files/m1705320891.docx (Новогодние праздники)uring my time in college, I was very tired, so I devoted the New Year holidays entirely to rest.
My family and I decorated the Christmas tree and hung heroines around the house. Closer to the holiday, serious preparations began. My sister and I did some spring cleaning and started preparing food for the holiday table. Grandma and Grandpa came to visit us.
We gave each other gifts, then went to visit our relatives. I watched a lot of films, read and walked