Платежное поручение

Материал опубликован 19 February

Автор публикации: П. Усманова, студентка 3 курса

Payment order Performed by: Usmanova

Payment order This is an order from the payer's account holder to the bank serving him, issued by a settlement document on the transfer of a certain amount from his account to the account of the recipient of funds. The order is valid for 10 calendar days, the order is accepted regardless of the availability of funds in the client's account

The scheme of non-cash payments Payer's Bank Buyer's Bank The payer's organization Recipient's organization 3 1 4 2 5 5

Decoding the scheme 1) An agreement is concluded between the buyer and the seller 2) The buyer submits a payment order to his servicing bank for debiting money from his account 3) The bank serving the buyer debits funds from the buyer's account and electronically sends them to the supplier's bank 4) The bank serving the seller deposits funds to the seller's account 5) Banks report statements to their customers

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