Платежное поручение

Материал опубликован 19 February

Автор публикации: А. Егорова, студентка 3 курса

Payment order performed by Alina Egorova BD-36

A payment order (payment card) is a settlement document. The account holder (payer), by means of a payment order, gives his bank an order to transfer certain funds to the recipient's account opened with this or another credit institution

Purposes of use payments for goods delivered, works performed, services rendered; transfers of funds to budgets of all levels and to extra-budgetary funds; transfers of funds for the purpose of repayment or placement of loans (loans) or deposits; money transfers for other purposes provided for by law or contract; prepayment for goods, works and services; making periodic payments

Calculation scheme

Requisites name and number of the payment order, date, month and year of its execution; the code of the form according; the name of the payer and recipient of funds and their account numbers; INN of the payer and recipient; purpose, amount and payment procedure; type of operation; signatures of authorized persons

Validity period The payment order is valid for presentation to the bank within 10 days. The Bank is obliged to inform the payer no later than the next business day.

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