Презентация "Me and my Interests"
Автор публикации: А. Шарифуллин, ученик 10 класса
Автор публикации: А. Шарифуллин, ученик 10 класса
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Me and my interests.
Hello dear reader, today I want to tell you about my interests. To begin with, let's get acquainted. My name is Sharifullin Arthur. I'm 16 years old. I'm in the 10th grade. I live in the Chechen Republic, in the village of Nozhai-Yurt. I study at a local school with excellent grades, I participate in various Olympiads.In the future I want to go to a medical university, to become a dentist. Well, now let's get started, have fun reading.
I really like to read books, I read everything that comes to hand. I especially like adventure and fantasy genres. Here are some books from my personal library. Books.
I would like to highlight such books as: "Wolfhound" by Maria Semenovna James Fenimore Cooper "The Last of the Mohicans" Collection of lyrics by Sergei Yesenin
Although reading books is one of my favorite activities, the ability to read at first was given to me with great difficulty. When I learned to read, a very interesting world opened up to me.At first I liked fairy tales, then I began to be attracted to travel books, then fiction. Now I read literally everything, from folk tales, world classics and ending with scientific literature. Books.
I am also fond of modular origami.
I became interested in modular origami in the 6th-7th grade.It all started with the fact that my cousin came to visit me, while he was staying with me, he made a paper swan. I liked what he did, and later I became interested in origami myself. My first job wasn't very good, but the second one is better, the third one is even better.As Vincent Van Gogh said: "Only experience and inconspicuous everyday work make an artist mature and give the opportunity to create something more true and complete." My first job. Modular origami
At one time I was very passionate about minerals.
I started to get interested in minerals when I started noticing interesting rocks under my feet. At first it was very interesting to me, I was surfing the Internet and collecting various information about certain minerals. Recently, this hobby has become a thing of the past due to the heavy workload at school, but the collection is waiting for replenishment, in the future I'm going to return to this activity. Minerals.
I'm interested in botany. I like to look at different plants, find out what they are called, their benefits for humans and where they are used.
I became interested in botany relatively recently, at most 2 years ago.It all started with the fact that I was interested in one plant.After I found out what kind of plant it was, I became interested in the properties of this plant and where it grows. Then I became interested in other plants. As P. Laplace said: "What we know is limited, and what we don't know is infinite. Botany
I have a collection of letters. In my collection: 6 certificates from the uchi.ru platform, 5 third places, 4 second places, 21 first place,1 thank-you letter, and diplomas from the second grade to the ninth.
Most people ask me: "Why do you need so many certificates, these are empty and completely unnecessary pieces of paper!?« First of all, I like the competition itself, the struggle for a place, gaining experience and completely new impressions. Secondly, diplomas are not useless at all, and they will play a role when I make a portfolio. When I went to prep school, I was told that I had no aptitude and that I would only study for 2. I would like to go to this school now and see the reaction of the teachers. Study as if you constantly feel the lack of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid of losing your knowledge. Confucius.
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