Татьянин день (День студента)

Материал опубликован 27 January

Автор публикации: Л. Абдуллина, студентка 3 курса

Автор публикации: В. Костина, студентка 3 курса

Автор публикации: М. Петросян, студентка 3 курса

Автор публикации: А. Лазарева, студентка 3 курса


How we spent the student's day students of group B31

We were at a center called "My Career"

When we entered the building, it was cozy and beautifully decorated. The building has new technologies and everything has been modernized. We were taken to the auditorium and there were many tables where we could sit down for 5-6 people and join a team. Author: Lazareva Alina

We drew this poster to protect our project. We presented our project on the topic of "Tax literacy" At the beginning of this event, we were greeted and congratulated on the Student's Day holiday. They told us what we were going to do. We had a task how to make a project that was supposed to be social, commercial or charitable. My team and I had a commercial project called "Tax Literacy". We have been thinking for a long time about what we want to do and decided that we want to open a platform that would help people learn about taxes. With the help of new knowledge, people would be able to understand what they are paying money for and develop more and more in this topic. After all, ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility. Our project included helping people to master knowledge, our curators would help each person individually. And at the end of a topic, people could take a test and test their knowledge. Author: Lazareva Alina

Certificates Our advantages would be step-by-step accessibility and the use of simple explanations that would be accessible to everyone. When defending our project, we performed with a painted poster and presented our topic. And at the end of this event, all participants were given certificates. Author: Lazareva Alina

On January 25, 2024, together with the parallel of 3 courses of accountants, they attended an event where they developed a business concept aimed at improving the college. Divided into several groups, we presented the ideas we had developed, during which we became a cohesive team, where I was the captain. Our idea is aimed at improving the lives of students as well as teachers. A recreation area and a section for improving the physical health of everyone. Author: Marina Petrosyan

We went to the “my project” training with three of our teachers Tatyana Mikhailovna Molodtsova, Natalia Aleksandrovna Poddubnaya and Lyudmila Viktorovna Permitina. this is a business game in which we were divided into teams of 6 people, there were 8 teams in total. The business game lasted about 4 hours, during which we went through 3 stages: idea, concept of the idea and its visualization. We went to the “my project” training with three of our teachers Tatyana Mikhailovna Molodtsova, Natalia Aleksandrovna Poddubnaya and Lyudmila Viktorovna Permitina. this is a business game in which we were divided into teams of 6 people, there were 8 teams in total. The business game lasted about 4 hours, during which we went through 3 stages: idea, concept of the idea and its visualization. Our team came up with the idea of making a fitness room with a hologram of Yegor Creed. The hologram will conduct classes instead of the teacher, so our schedule is 24 hours, 7 days a week. We will use smart scales, smart exercise machines, which will make us different from other fitness gyms. We offer group training sessions and also have a personal app for the convenience of signing up for the gym and tracking your results. For those interested, we have a salt cave. Our gym is called "New Fitness". The motto of New Fitness is “motivation must be raised.” We were given various cards that described ideas, services, and advantages with which we described our project. Authors: Abdullina Liliia, Kostina Viktoria

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