The outstanding women in Russia

Материал опубликован 5 March 2024

Автор публикации: Б. 22, студентка 2 курса

The outstanding women in Russia

1.Who is the oldest surgeon in Russia?

1. Alla Ilyinichna 2. Elena Prokhorova 3. Natalia Kauchuk

2.Who is the head coach of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team and has opened his own school?

1. Elena Golovach 2. Maria Ukharova 3. Irina Viner-Usmanova

3. Which woman is the commander of the Airbus A320 aircraft?

1. Cherkash Alina 2. Maria Uvarovskaya 3. Julia Angier

4.Which of the Russian women was the first to visit the MKS?

1. Elena Serova 2. Elena Terskikh 3. Elena Paleno

5. What is the name of the most influential woman who owns a well-known marketplace?

1.Ekaterina Semenovna 2.Kristina Altova 3.Tatiana Bakalchuk

6. Who Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia?

1. Lyubov mitina 2. Sofia Kovalenko 3. Tatyana Golikova

7. Who is the first woman in the history of Russia who holds the post of Chairman of the Federation Council?

1. Tatiana Barzykaya 2. Ekaterina Mitova 3. Valentina Matvienko

8. Who has been appointed head of the North–Western Department of the Central Bank?

1. Tatiana Savina 2. Anna Prozorova 3. Irina Petrova

9. Who is the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation?

1. Tatyana Golikova 2. Svetlana Medvedeva 3. Natalia Timakova

10. Who is the CEO of the National Energy Utilities Association?

1.Tatyana Dering 2.Yulia Kovaleva 3.Elena Sidorova

11. Who is the Special Communications Colonel, “Main Special Communications Center”?

1. Maria Yusupova 2. Razia Yusupova 3. Maria Ivanova

12. Who is the founder of the “Russians in Fashion” brand?

1. Alina Ruchkina 2. Nina Ruchkina 3. Nina Komarova

13. Which woman was awarded the title of «Welding Queen»?

1. Elizaveta Kukushkina 2. Alexandra Ivleva 3. Alyona Evseeva

14. Who is the director of the “Sunny City” Foundation?

1. Marina Aksenova 2. Irina Gavrilovi 3. Anastácia Lazibna

15. Who is the head of management of pjsc nk Rosneft?

1. Elena leneneva 2. Tatiana Trabovich 3. Sofa Riskon

16. Director of the MPEC?

1. Liayzheva Nina 2. Helena Kostramskai 3.Ekaterina Hytich

17. Head of the Federal Agency of Youtn Affairs

1. Ksenia Razyeva 2. Maria Prekrasnaya 3. Lera Pasakawa


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