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Charity of VTB Bank and Russian Agricultural Bank Markin Denis Petrova Alisa Group BD-22 2024 Moscow
VTB-Strana The VTB-Strana Charitable Foundation for Supporting Social Initiatives and Providing Targeted Assistance works in five areas: healthcare, education, sports, culture, patriotism and traditions of the country. Corporate social responsibility is as much an integral part of VTB Group’s policy as financial efficiency and focus on commercial success.
The main directions Strengthening of spiritual and moral qualities. Preservation of national customs and patriotic education of young people. Helping people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Active participation in the cultural life of the country. Preservation and development of the spiritual values of the peoples of Russia. Assistance to talented young professionals. Assistance in conducting scientific research and development in Russia. Equal opportunities for career growth. Promoting a healthy lifestyle among Russians. Creating conditions for physical education. Improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of our country. The development of technological and personalized medicine.
World without tears Since 2003, the World Without Tears program has been supporting children’s medical institutions in Russia in the purchase of necessary equipment, medicines and consumables. 77 subjects participated in the program, 2 new regions joined in 2022, 184 hospitals received support during the existence of the program
Eco card With this card you can contribute to environmental protection and environmental stewardship. Clients’ own funds are not spent on charity.
Rosselkhozbank-WORDI card (ALL-RUSSIAN ORGANIZATION OF PARENTS OF DISABLED CHILDREN) Take part in charity, make purchases on the card
Card Amur Tiger Upon purchase, the bank recalculates the funds for helping the tigers. At the moment this product is not presented on the bank’s website.
List of resourses https://www.rshb.ru/ https://www.vtb.ru/