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Karel Čapek 1890 г. – 1938 г. DONE BY: VADIM SHORIN

Who coined the word "robot"? The term "robot" was coined by the Czech writer Karel Čapek in the first quarter of the 20th century.

A play by Karel Čapek In his play R.U.R. ("Rossum's Universal Robots") Karel Čapek used the word "robot" for the first time. It was this word that entered not only fiction, but also the scientific language, replacing the then common “mechanism” and “android”.

A play by Karel Čapek The play tells about the events of the writer's immediate future.Humanoid creatures come off the assembly line - they are tougher and smarter than an ordinary person, only they do not have a soul. Thanks to these robots, humanity achieves full prosperity, all its worries and problems are a thing of the past.

A play by Karel Čapek But when there is no need to develop and there is nowhere else to strive, nature reacts in a strange way - people stop reproducing. Robots are becoming more and more perfect, they are no longer satisfied with the situation of slaves. A war begins between artificial people and humanity.

A play by Karel Čapek It shows how humanity is degrading and, according to the law of social determinism, the Earth is inhabited by a new race. All the worst, the very idea of suppressing and destroying the enemy, robots take from people: “You must kill and rule if you want to be like people.”

A play by Karel Čapek In the final, Karel Čapek came to the conclusion that you can believe in different things - but you should not indulge in blind faith in anything and be intolerant of other people's views.