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Project work «Moscow State University» Done by: Kurkin Nikita

Moscow State University is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Russia and in the world.

Founded: 1755: Founding of Moscow State University by Empress Catherine II as the first Russian university. Founded: 1755: Founding of Moscow State University by Empress Catherine II as the first Russian university. Location: Moscow, Russia. Status: Leading educational and scientific center, uniting outstanding scientists and students from all over the world. Principles: Innovation, high standards of education, deep scientific expertise.

Natural sciences: Physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics. Natural sciences: Physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics. Humanities: Philology, history, philosophy, cultural studies. Social sciences: Economics, political science, sociology, psychology. Engineering and technical areas: Information technology, construction, energy, mechanical engineering. Medicine: Faculty of Medicine, health research programs.

International cooperation of Moscow State University International cooperation of Moscow State University Exchange of students and teachers: Exchange programs, internships and joint educational projects with leading universities around the world. Research partnerships: Collaboration with international research organizations to conduct joint research. Multicultural environment: Attracting students and teachers from different countries, creating a diverse and culturally rich educational environment. Global Initiatives: Participation in international projects and policy initiatives to solve global problems.

Moscow State University is not only an educational institution, but also a source of inspiration for many generations of students and scientists. Moscow State University is not only an educational institution, but also a source of inspiration for many generations of students and scientists.

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