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Present Simple / Present Continuous

PRESENT SIMPLE Когда употребляется? 1) повседневные, привычные и регулярные действия: She usually drinks coffee in the morning. 2) расписания/программы: The train leaves at 9 o’clock. 3) постоянные состояния: He lives in Moscow. He likes bananas. 4) последовательные действия в настоящем: She gets up, takes a shower, brushes her teeth, has breakfast and goes to school.

PRESENT SIMPLE Указатели времени Every day/month/year/hour/summer/morning … I go to school every day. usually, often, sometimes, always, rarely, never She always buys fresh bread for breakfast. on Mondays/Fridays … On Mondays they go to the swimming pool.

Complete the sentences using Present Simple My parents (watch/watches)TV in the evening. All children (like/likes) chocolate. I (make/makes) my bed in the morning. What time ...... the lessons… (finish)? Where ....... your sister … (live)? She …... (not take) her dog for a walk in the morning. The boys …… (not study) at the library every day.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS Когда употребляется? 1) действия, которые происходят сейчас, в момент речи: She is doing her homework right now. 2) временные ситуации: They are redecorating their house this week. 3) запланированные действия в будущем (время/место): We are visiting our grandparents tomorrow. 4) меняющиеся/развивающиеся ситуации: Her Spanish is improving. 5) c наречиями always/constantly/continually. Часто негативные ситуации: He is always calling us late at night.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS Указатели времени Now, at the moment, at present, nowadays, these days, this summer, today. He is cooking a fruit salad now. We are playing football at the moment.

Complete the sentences using Present Continuous We … (play) basketball in the park now. The dog … (sleep) on the couch. My parents … (watch) TV at the moment. Mark … (not walk) in the street. Our teacher … (not write) on the blackboard right now. … you … (sit) in a café now? … the students … (have) a lecture now?

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