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Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, (1821 – 1881) Russian novelist and short-story writer whose psychological penetration into the darkest recesses of the human heart, together with his unsurpassed moments of illumination, had an immense influence on 20th-century fiction. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, (1821 – 1881) Russian novelist and short-story writer whose psychological penetration into the darkest recesses of the human heart, together with his unsurpassed moments of illumination, had an immense influence on 20th-century fiction. Dostoyevsky is best known for his novella Notes from the Underground and for four long novels, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Possessed (also and more accurately known as The Demons and The Devils), and The Brothers Karamazov.

Crime and Punishment Short Summary Raskolnikov is the protagonist of the book. He is a successful student studying at the Faculty of Law in St. Petersburg. Because he is poor, he has a hard time continuing his life and education and he had to leave law school. His life begins to cause permanent damage to his inner world and many contradictions within himself. He came to study in St. Petersburg and he can't pay her rent. He goes to a pawnbroker who no one likes, sells his watch. He goes to the tavern with the money he receives in return. He drinks and also darkens the lives of people in the tavern too. He could not understand the brutal separation between the poor and the rich.

Raskolnikov cannot stand the conflict within him no more and listens to the devil in him, then he takes an ax, goes to the pawnbroker. He swings the ax on the woman's head and kills her there. In the meantime, the elder woman's sister comes and Raskolnikov kills her too. It doesn't matter if an innocent die with the evil pawnbroker. Not knowing what to do, Raskolnikov takes a few gold pieces and drives away. Raskolnikov cannot stand the conflict within him no more and listens to the devil in him, then he takes an ax, goes to the pawnbroker. He swings the ax on the woman's head and kills her there. In the meantime, the elder woman's sister comes and Raskolnikov kills her too. It doesn't matter if an innocent die with the evil pawnbroker. Not knowing what to do, Raskolnikov takes a few gold pieces and drives away. After the murder, Raskolnikov's situation worsens. The demon, which once had caused him internal contradictions, disappeared, but the guilt is worse than that. Regrets and internal conflicts put Raskolnikov thoroughly exhausted and sick. His friend Razumikin comes to help. He supports him, finds a doctor, and does everything in his power. Adds skepticism and fear to Raskolnikov's deteriorating condition, he always thinks that somebody is watching him. He thinks that someone saw the murder or at least know that he did it. This uneasiness worsens his condition. Raskolnikov cannot endure this and tells Sonya the murder he has committed. He then surrenders to the police and is sent to prison to serve his sentence.

Film adaptation

Answer the following questions: How do you feel about reading Dostoyevsky in English? Have you read “Crime and Punishment”? If yes, what do you think of the novel? If no, why not?