Презентация к уроку английского языка в 7 классе на тему «Mother Nature. 3 module»

Материал опубликован 2 April 2023

Предварительный просмотр презентации

Module 3 Mother Nature

a hurricane thick fog a blizzard a storm a heatwave What weather do you like?

1. This picture shows a city, perhaps in the UK. It is probably autumn or winter. There is a storm. The sky is full of dark clouds and there is a lightning striking all around. I think people are all indoors, keeping away from the storm. They probably feel glad to be safe inside. People probably feel scared when there is such a storm. Example:

Град Солнечный свет Метель/ снежный шторм Наводнение Тепло/ умеренно тепло Перистые облака Шторм Лёгкий ветер Нестерпимо жарко Ливень Ураган Дождь со снегом Изморось Временами солнечно Прохладно/ холодно Буря Жарко Сильный ливень Тучи Сильный мороз

F T F F F T T T 1. It’s summer right now, so the weather is quite mild. 3. The wildlife is incredible. 5. As a marine biologist. 8. A week. Weird – странный Incredible – невероятный Busy – занят, занятой

a detailed investigation place where research is carried out single huge land mass (e.g. Africa, Europe, etc) not extreme recent arrival landscape sea mammal that breeds on land large endangered sea mammal to make aware of danger (for the temperatures) to get lower (for the sun) to go above the horizon person who studies animals that live in water to adjust to different conditions relating to science (for the sun) to go below the horizon long to lessons about staying alive type of transport used in snowy areas (like a jet ski for snow) transport usually pulled by dogs over snow narrow opening having a layer of sth on top

research freezing humpback marine survival drop sets set common hottest boiling hot shallow idle wettest ordinary intense rise busy Idle – Wettest – Ordinary – Intense – coldest freezing cold deep weird driest incredible mild

am going 1. plan will put 2. On-the-spot decision will give 3. offer will you be 4.A. Information about the future get 4.B. time clause am visiting 5. fixed arrangement does the plane off takes off 6. timetable

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