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My Trip by Train From my native place to Nozhay-Yurt in the Chechen Republic

My native town Penza

The estate “Tarkhany” is closely connected with M. Lermontov. It isn’t his birthplace, the famous poet was born in Moscow but here he spent his childhood, here he wrote his beautiful poems. This estate had a special place in his heart. Today “Tarkhany “is filled in atmosphere of that century. Visiting it we found ourselves in the past.

Like Lermontov I left my “lovely north” and traveled to “the southern side”.

My trip lasts 25 hours, the train № 86 Moscow---- Makhachkala.

Saratov is an old Russian town on the bank of the river Volga.

The Volga The Volga is a legendary Russian river. It takes a special place in the life of our country. The Volga is one of the biggest rivers in the world and the biggest river in Europe. It is the longest river in Russia.

The lake Elton The lake Elton is a salt lake which is situated in the southern part of Volgograd Region ,not far from the border with Kazakhstan. Elton is the biggest lake in Europe. The lake is unique thanks to its chemical composition and medical properties.

Health Resorts The medical properties of the beautiful and unique salty lake Elton are used for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system.

A small part of my way I pass through the Republic of Kalmykia.

But from the window of my carriage I see only the bare steppe.

For a while I found myself abroad. We pass Kazakhstan

The state Kazakhstan is a big country which is located in the centre of Eurasia south of the Ural mountains, it borders with Russia.

But from the window of my carriage I see only a bare steppe.

Astrakhan is an old Russian city in the Volga delta. In the ancient times the routs of the Great Silk Way passed there.

Now Astrakhan is a beautiful town with the population more than 500000 people.

Dagestan is a mountainous Republic in the North Caucasus. Derbent is the most ancient town in Russia is located here.

I pass the small Dagestan towns Kizliar and Kizilyurt. It is the end of my trip by train. Kizilyurt is the youngest town in Dagestan. It was founded in 1963.

Then I go to the Chechen Republic by taxi. We pass Hasavyurt.

At last I am in the Chechen Republic. My long trip has finished.

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Marina Victorovna! Thank you very much for the interesting content of the presentation! :)

9 September 2023

You're welcome

11 September 2023

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