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Repeat after me, please Difficult - трудный Easy - легкий Health - здоровье Healthy - здоровый Keep - хранить Regular - регулярный Useful - полезный Busy - легкий Choose - выбирать Feel – чувствовать Find - искать Free - свободный Fun - радость Ill - болезнь Success - успех Successful - успешный Get ill - заболеть Get better - поправляться

Get well - выздороветь Look after - заботиться Different - разный Exercise - упражнение If - если Just – как раз

Kind - вид Once - однажды Outdoors – на свежем воздухе Without - без Take part in – принимать участие

In what sports and games do we use them? Balls- Rackets – Water – Horses – Snow and ice -

What is good and what is bad for our health? To keep regular hours, to watch TV a lot, to get up early, to drink coffee in the evening, to eat much sweets, to keep to a diet, to go to the swimming pool, to eat a lot for supper, to spend much time outdoors, to eat chips and pizza every day, to play active games, to eat fruits and vegetables, to play computer games a lot, to run in the park in the morning, to go to bed late at night, to take part in football matches, to eat much bread, to drink much water.

Good To keep regular hours, to get up early, to keep to a diet, to go the swimming pool, to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, to run in the park in the morning, to spend much time outdoors, to play active games, to take part in football matches, to drink much water

Bad To watch TV a lot, to drink coffee in the evening, to eat a lot of sweets, to eat a lot for supper, to eat pizza and chips every day, to play computer games a lot, to go to bed late at night, to eat much bread.

What do you do and what don’t you do to keep fit? I …to keep fit.

I don’t …to keep fit.

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