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Cons of working in the field of IT Lovcova Daria Б23

Everyone is attracted to IT by high salaries, the demand for professions, the opportunity to work remotely, and much more. But everyone forgets about the disadvantages of working in IT. Now we will talk about them.

Of the minuses of work - hypodynamia (low physical activity), which can lead to many health problems. The "favorite" diseases of an IT specialist are pain in the back and joints of the hands, vision problems. But physical inactivity can be defeated by walking, gym or jogging. I recommend the gym, after all, walking will not give such a positive effect. It can be fitness, where you work on all muscle groups, or some highly inertial sports, such as boxing, crossfit. But running and swimming will do.

In addition to possible health problems, the disadvantages include a lack of communication: a developer spends 90 percent of the time looking at a black screen with white or green characters, periodically switching to testing his solution. And if the programmer works remotely, communications are reduced to a strict minimum. The lack of communication needs to be compensated for by walking, meeting with friends, going to the movies. If all this is omitted, a banal professional burnout will occur.

You also need to be able to work under tight deadlines. Asking a developer if they'll finish writing code by the end of the week is about the same as asking an artist if they'll complete a painting. Development is a creative process where you have to redo, rewrite, test and go back to the beginning. Hard deadlines, of course, force you to be in good shape. In the fight against deadlines, time management and task planning, their evaluation, discussion with the manager, and the rationale that the project requires exactly that much time, and no less, help.

As a rule, the competition for trainee and junior positions is very high. It is worth submitting a well-formulated resume with relevant experience and skills for the position. A cover letter and a portfolio of projects, github will definitely not be superfluous. This will help you stand out among the stream of similar brief profiles of novice professionals.

The IT sphere is not only one pluses, high salaries, but also many disadvantages.