Проверочная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса

Student _______________________________ Form 8 «____»
Проверочная работа по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ для учащихся 8 класса
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-4. Обведите номер правильного ответа и запишите этот номер в бланке тестирования справа от номера задания.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon. His father, John Shakespeare, was a glove-maker and wool-dealer.
William went to the local free grammar school where he studied Latin. At the age of 18 Shakespeare married a local girl, Anne Hathaway.
Those days there were not a lot of theatres in towns and actors and actresses had to travel moving from one place to another with their shows. Sometimes they visited Stratford-on-Avon. William liked to watch them. He was fond of their profession and he decided to become an actor.
He went to London and there he became an actor. At that time he began to write plays too. Shakespeare was at the same time an actor and a playwright. In his works he reflected events of his contemporaries' life. His plays were staged in many theatres, translated into many foreign languages. That made Shakespeare very popular.
Shakespeare wrote history plays such as "Henry IV" and "Richard III", comedies such as "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "A Comedy of Errors". Shakespeare's early tragedy is "Romeo and Juliet".
"Hamlet" is probably the most popular, the best-known of all Shakespeare's plays. It is a very philosophical play. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is a highly intelligent person. Hamlet's words are very famous: "To be, or not to be; that is the question..."
Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603 and was succeeded by James VI of Scotland, son of Mary Stuart. James, who became James I of England and Scotland, was a lover of the theatre.
Shakespeare wrote a tragedy "Macbeth" in which action passes in Scotland. In 1606 Shakespeare was a very mature and successful playwright.
Between 1608 and 1613, Shakespeare wrote five plays: "Pericles" "Cymbeline", "The Winter's Tale", "The Tempest" and "Henry VIII". In "The Tempest" Shakespeare says farewell to the theatre, to his friends.
On June 29, 1613, the Globe theatre was destroyed in a fire. For Shakespeare and his colleagues it must have been a terrible time. The Globe was the greatest theatre in England. He wrote thirty seven plays at all. He had connections with the best English theatres for about 25 years.
Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616.
1. Shakespeare's early tragedy is …
a) "Romeo and Juliet".
b) "King Lear".
c) "Macbeth".
2. … is probably the best-known of all Shakespeare's plays.
a) "The Winter's Tale".
b) "Hamlet".
c) "A Comedy of Errors".
3. The text is about …
a) Romeo.
b) William Shakespeare.
c) Hamlet.
4. Find the CORRECT statement.
a) Shakespeare wrote twenty seven plays at all.
b) Shakespeare wrote sixty five plays at all.
c) Shakespeare wrote thirty seven plays at all.
Max. 4
2. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, обозначенные номерами 5–12, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 5–12.
Basketball is one of the (5) _________ ________________ (POPULAR) games in the world and especially in the United States of America where it first appeared. Millions of spectators watch every important national and international game in this country.
It may be interesting to know that basketball didn’t develop slowly over the centuries as some old (6)__________________ (TRADITION) games did. We can say for sure where and when it appeared.
The man who (7)____________ (ONE) thought of this game and who made up its rules lived in Springfield, Massachusetts. He taught physical education at the Springfield training school. He was a Canadian, his name was Naismith. Once in the year 1891, Mr Naismith (8)_______________ (DECIDE) to make his lessons more interesting for his students and he thought that they needed a new indoor game. For this new game he used the rules of an old (9)______________ (INDIA) game together with the rules of British football.
When the teacher first asked his students to play the new game, he put on the walls two old wooden baskets. To score a goal a player had to get the ball into the basket. That’s why Naismith gave the new game the name of basketball. It was a (10)____________________ (SUCCESS) idea!
Nowadays (11)__________________ (PRACTICE) every nation of the world plays basketball. They often say that it is an international game. People think it is such an (12)__________________ (ENJOY) game.
Max. 8
3. Прочитайте вопрос в задании С1. Напишите развернутый ответ на вопрос и обоснуйте его. (3-4 предложения).
Max. 4
C1. What is your favourite film?
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
Total Score |
14-16 |
11-13 |
7-10 |
0-6 |
Your Score |
Task 1 |
1 - a 2 - b 3 - b 4 - c |
Task 2 |
5 - most popular 6 - traditional 7 - first 8 - decided 9 - Indian 10 - successful 11 - practically 12 - enjoyable |
Task 3 – C1 |
Содержание (макс. 2 балла) |
Организация текста (макс. 2 балла) |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
Total Score |
14-16 |
11-13 |
7-10 |
0-6 |
Your Score |