12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Курдаева Аниса Равильевна34
Россия, Красноярский край, Красноярск

Test (Education)


    Explain the words and word combinations in English:

grammar school



the three Rs

to cram

    Fill in an appropriate word or phrase:

    If you … classes, you’ll probably do badly in the exam.

    Do students get … for further education?

    When people study one subject in great detail, we say they are … research.

    After the essay is submitted, it will be assessed and usually you can get … .

    is often done for political reasons rather than for good educational ones.

    In Britain many children begin to attend … from the age of about 3.

    Grammar schools provide … education.

    Replace the underlined words with words that have the same meaning:

    I can’t come out. I’m taking an exam tomorrow.

    If you get a place at university the teaching is free.

    The course goes on for three years.

    I’m always preparing intensively for my exams.

    Some private schools have lots of wealth and receive gifts of money, and this means they can have better resources.

4.Translate the sentences into English:

    Все государственные школы в Британии – бесплатные, и школы обеспечивают своих учеников книгами и оборудованием для учёбы.

    Начальная школа имеет два уровня: подготовительная школа и младшая школа.

    В 16 лет ученики сдают государственный экзамен на получение аттестата о среднем образовании.

    Дальнейшее обучение – это не высшее образование.

    Средняя школа США состоит из двух частей – неполная средняя школа и полная средняя школа.

5.Answer the following questions:

    What do children do at nursery schools?

    What subjects do pupils study at the junior part of a primary school (junior school)?

    What is the main difference between a comprehensive and a grammar school?

    What degree is conferred on a university graduate?

    In what kinds of outside classroom activities do the students of high school take part?


    Explain the words and word combinations in English:




well-endowed schools


    Fill in an appropriate word or phrase:

    Before an exam it’s a good idea to … for it.

    If you get a place at university, the … is free.

    When a lecturer gives a lecture, the students listen and … .

    After the essay is submitted, it will be … and usually you can get a feedback.

    Nowadays … education is an issue, which is very important for mature students.

    Education in nursery schools is not … .

    At the age of 16 children of secondary schools take their … exam.

    Replace the underlined words with words that have the same meaning:

    If you revise for an exam properly, you’ll have a chance to do well in it.

    When a lecturer gives a lecture, the students listen and write down the important information.

    Did she get a grant for her course?

    I know some people develop very clever memory tricks to help them remember the material.

    All parents want their children to achieve the best possible results at school.

4.Translate the sentences into English:

    Обучение обязательно с пяти до шестнадцати лет.

    В младшей школе обстановка более формальная: дети сидят за партами и учатся по постоянному расписанию.

    Шестой класс готовит учеников к госэкзаменам, которые называются «уровень А».

    Начальная школа США включает шесть классов.

    Все штаты предоставляют детям в средней школе бесплатное обучение, книги и транспорт.

5.Answer the following questions:

    At what age do children start primary school and to what age do they continue it?

    What is the peculiarity of a comprehensive school?

    In what form and at what age do pupils take their “A” level exams?

    How many grades does the US elementary school include?

    When do the students of higher schools begin to major and minor in subjects?


    Explain the words and word combinations in English:

first draft


mature student

equality of opportunity


    Fill in an appropriate word or phrase:

    The … exams are held in May or June.

    When you complete your first degree, you are a … .

    It’s a good idea to start with a … when preparing an essay.

    Before an exam the best idea is to bury yourself in your books until you know the subject … .

    A … is a senior university academic, not an ordinary teacher.

    Compulsory school education is … .

    The content of each lesson is called the … .

    Replace the underlined words with words that have the same meaning:

    When people study one subject in great detail, we say they are carrying out research.

    He’s doing physics, I think.

    There is no point in just learning things by memory.

    Inequality is built into the education system.

    Education where everyone gets into the same type of school without exams is a basic political idea in many countries.

4.Translate the sentences into English:

    Дети начинают посещать детские сады в возрасте от трёх до четырёх лет.

    В 11 лет большинство учеников ходит в средние школы, называемые общеобразовательными школами.

    Некоторые шестнадцатилетние поступают в колледжи дальнейшего обучения, чтобы получить профессиональные дипломы.

    Дети поступают в начальную школу в возрасте 6 лет, а оканчивают её в возрасте 12 лет.

    Учащиеся средней школы могут выбирать некоторые из изучаемых предметов.

5.Answer the following questions:

    What do children do at the infant part of a primary school (infant school)?

    At what age do most pupils go to secondary schools called comprehensives?

    Why do pupils need “A” levels?

    What are the two parts of high school in the US?

    What is GCSE and when do pupils get it?


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