12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Вазыхова Алсу Хамитовна21

Jess Glynne

Ссылка на видео:  https://youtu.be/h0v30jKH958  


Listen to the song and complete the lyrics with adjectives: sick, shy, beautiful, tired, lonely, broken, anxious, tired, alone, beautiful.

I won't wear makeup on Thursday

I'm ____________ of covering up

I'm ____________ of feeling so __________

I'm ____________ of falling in love

Sometimes I'm __________, and I'm __________

Sometimes I'm down on my knees

Sometimes I try to embrace all my insecurities

So I won't wear makeup on Thursday

'Cause who I am is enough

And there are many things that I could change so slightly

But why would I succumb to something so unlike me?

I was always taught to just be myself

Don't change for anyone

I wanna laugh, I don't wanna cry

Don't want these tears inside my eyes, yeah

Don't wanna wake up and feel insecure

I wanna sing, I wanna dance

I wanna feel love inside my hands again

I just wanna feel ____________

Oh-oh-oh, oh I

Oh-oh-oh, oh I

Oh-oh-oh, I just wanna feel ___________

I'll wear my sweatpants on Thursday

And I'll drink sloe gin from a can

I'll build my own independence

I don't always need a man

You know sometimes I feel ___________

Could do with the company

Oh, I get high when I'm down

But you know that's alright with me

So I will do nothing on Thursday

Sit _____________ and be.ии


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