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Творческая, активная, целеустремленная, увлекаюсь танцами, жизнелюбивая, позитивная, требовательная к себе и к своей профессии, люблю развиваться,общаться и делиться опытом. Интересуюсь новшествами, вкладываю душу, энергию, знания и любовь в подрастающее
Россия, Пермский край, Пермь

Speaking practice
PPTX / 1.38 Мб

/data/files/k1572883053.pptx (Speaking practice) 

Speaking Practice

На заправке

I would like to fill 30 liters. My car is at stand number 3. Yes, that Toyota. May I pay by card? Thanks!

В офисе

We moved in a new office (переехали в новый офис). It’s new and modern. I love working there. It’s in the Downtown area (в центре города).

О себе

I am a man/woman. I am quite tall and handsome/beautiful. I have fair hair and blue eyes. I am 26 years old. I live in a small town of Russia. I am a positive person. I smile and joke a lot.

Личные предпочтения

What do you like to do? I like sports. He doesn’t like sports. I like fishing. My dad loves fishing too. Some people don’t like fishing. My mom likes cooking. I’d love to learn dancing. I like dancing. Dancing is cool. I like running in the morning. I like sleeping. I like eating tasty food. I like staying up late (не спать допоздна). I like travelling and swimming. I like learning languages.


I wanted to be a pilot. My dad was a driver. My mom was a salesperson. My brother is a businessman. I have become a teacher. My parents wanted me to be a doctor. I was interested in becoming an

engineer. I have a friend who is a dancer. I don’t see anything bad in being a cleaner. All professions are good. What are you and your

relatives and friends?


I don’t like my birthday. I think it’s not a holiday because I become older. But I like to Celebrate the New Year and Christmas. I find these holidays interesting. I also like the Women’s Day and the Men’s day. We usually have a family dinner together, give each other presents and dance.

Спорт и фитнес

I like sports. It helps me stay fit and healthy. I exercise three times a week. I play soccer, go to the gym and play tennis. I run in the mornings and stretch in the evenings. Fitness is my hobby. I think everybody should exercise.

Музыка и фильмы

My favorite film is Titanic. It’s dramatic and emotional. Do you have your favorite film? What music do you like? I like all kinds of music. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I listen to popular songs and sometimes I listen to classical and instrumental music. Music is very important. It inspires me.

Дома и мебель

Do you have a house? No, an apartment. I live in an apartment. There’s a big table in the kitchen. We have a cupboard, a fridge and four chairs in the kitchen. There’s a comfortable sofa in our bedroom. Our living room has a lot of space. We have a huge bath where I can relax after have a wardrobe where I keep all my clothes.

Speaking practice
PPTX / 1.38 Мб


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