«English with SpongeBob» (part II) [Обучающие карточки]

Материал опубликован 17 April 2021 в группе

Лексические единицы:

  1. make a snowman
  2. rake leaves
  3. play in the snow
  4. exchange presents
  5. decorate the house
  6. set off fireworks
  7. cook special food
  8. dress up
  9. light bonfires
  10. give flowers
  11. have a family dinner
  12. play cards
  13. wash hands
  14. have a snack
  15. listen to music
  16. look at paintings
  17. take pictures
  18. park a car
  19. go fishing
  20. see a dentist
  21. sunbathe
  22. drink bottled water
  23. pack warm clothes
  24. take a compass

«SpongeBob» ACTIVITY CARDS [part II]
PDF / 12.14 Мб


Нет пояснительной записки, не указаны источники информации.

18 April 2021