12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Юлия Сажнева17
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Fill in the gaps with the correct word:

bruised\agonising decision\against all odds\fractured\itchy \ swollen

ankle\hoarse\miraculously\frostbitten\stiff neck\splitting

headache\hypothermia\ internal bleeding


1)Depending on which complications occur, symptoms may include cough,

fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, _____________, disorientation, and

sensitivity to light.

2)Her jaw, orbital bones were __________ in several places.

3)They were all ___________ from shouting.

4)I went to wake up the next morning and it was up my forearms and shins and

very___________ and scratching.

5)Hundreds of pregnant women diagnosed with cancer each year face the

_____________ of what to do next.

6)A 42-year-old man - a father, a husband, a son - has come to the emergency

department with a ___________

7)She was found unconscious but ____________ alive.

8)Avoid movement on a_________ or leg, use ice packs, it is worth wrapping a

leg or ankle with a compression bandage and raise the leg on a stool or pillow.

9)He's lying there with a ______________face and tubes sticking out of his


10)Combined, the puncture wounds caused extensive____________

11)And Donald Trump, ____________, became president of the United States.

12)In the autumn-winter period, it is necessary to avoid situations where

________________ is possible

13)As a result, most died in the hospital, and those who survived had to amputate





Ответы:stiff neck,fractured,hoarse,itchy,agonising decision,splittingheadache,miraculously, swollen ankle,bruised,internal bleeding,against all odds,hypothermia,frostbitten




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