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Spotlight 8 Module 7e Page 114-115 Английский язык (Английский в фокусе.) Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений/Ю.Е.Ваулина, Д.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс. – М.: Express publishing: Просвещение, 2018. Презентация к уроку 78 Лукина Тамара Юрьевна, учитель английского языка ЧОУ «Школа-интернат №23 ОАО «РЖД» г. Слюдянка Иркутской области

What are we going to do at the lesson? Introduction Main body Conclusion Topic sentence General remark Stating problem Advantages Examples Disadvantages Summarising sentences Giving my opinion Writing Essay Criteria Reasons For & Against Essay Justifications Supporting sentence Paragraph What is the topic of the lesson? We are going to write an essay

“Writing an Essay” For-and-against essay

What is a definition of essay? An essay is a short piece of writing topic It represents the author’s point of view on the topic It is an organized collection of ideas

Which topic refers to a for-and-against essay? The most incredible experience I’ve ever had. What’s the best way to learn vocabulary in English? Credit cards: a curse or a blessing? ex.1 page 114 Read the theory box

In this type of essay In this type of essay you discuss: disadvantages (-) of a specific topic the advantages (+) and What is discussed in a for-and-against essay? ex.1 page 114

Structure 3) Conclusion ex.1 page 114 1) Introduction 2) Main body 2.1. arguments for 2.2. arguments against

Structure Introduction: Представляем тему, не выражая собственного мнения 2) Main body: 2.1. arguments for 2.2. arguments against Высказываем аргументы и подтверждаем их обоснованиями и / или примерами. 3) Conclusion: Обобщаем, подводим итог и выражаем своё мнение In my opinion, From my point of view, I believe, I think ex.1 page 114

& Supporting sentences Topic sentence – the 1st sentence of every paragraph in main body. It presents the main/general thought of the paragraph Supporting sentences – next 1 or 2 sentences explaining the main/general thought (the topic sentence) ex.5 page 115 The Difference between Topic sentence

Remember: Use Formal style! Don’t use: personal language (I know, I am sure) contractions (he’s, I’m, I’ve) colloquial expressions or idioms (What’s up?) X X ex.1 page 114

For & Against Essay Summarising sentences Main body Conclusion Introduction Stating problem Advantages Disadvantages Topic sentence Topic sentence Supporting sentences Supporting sentences General remark Giving my opinion Examples Justifications Linking words Linking words Linking words Linking words Examples Justifications

Read the rubric, underline the key words, then answer the questions What type of essay should you write? What will your essay be about? What style should you use? What points should you include in your essay? ex.2 page 114 You have had a class discussion about the Internet as a homework tool. Your teacher has now asked you to write an essay presenting the arguments for and against it. formal

ex.3 page 114 1 2 3 4 Put the parts of the essay in the correct order How can you guess?

ex.4 page 115 Linking words/ linkers

Find the odd linker for example, despite, for instance, in particular, as a result ex.4 page 115 Introduce examples

Find the odd linker finally, all in all, in conclusion, in addition Conclude

Find the odd linker and, also, another, for instance, moreover, furthermore Add points

Find the odd linker although, because, despite, however, on the other hand, in spite of Show contrast

Find the odd linker firstly, secondly, thirdly, in favour of List points

Find the odd linker nowadays, it’s no surprise, finally, many people suggest, many people argue, in our todays society Introduce points

ex.3 page 114 Find the topic sentences, the supporting sentences in the text Read them

ex.3 page 114 Find the topic sentences, the supporting sentences in the text Read them

Read the topic sentences, make up supporting sentences, use appropriate linkers ex.6 page 115

ex.3 page 114 Find advantages justifications/examples in the text Сomplete the table

ex.3 page 114 Find disadvantages justifications/examples in the text Сomplete the table

ex.7 page 115 Read the rubrics Which of the statements (1-5) are arguments for and which are arguments against? against for for for against

ex.7 page 115 Match the statements (1-5) to their supporting arguments for for for against against a b c d e

Arguments ⇒⇒ Cause & Effect Arguments ⇒ Examples Advantage 1 Advantage 2 Disadvantage 1 Disadvantage 2 Fill in the table using the phrases time saved serious side-effects get basic computer skills eye strain and headache beneficial in the workplace unemployment learn draw, paint, play computers do tasks more efficiently educational and fun for children lost jobs health problems employees do work faster than in the past

Arguments ⇒⇒ Cause & Effect Arguments ⇒⇒ Examples Advantage 1 Advantage 2 Disadvantage 1 Disadvantage 2 time saved educational and fun for children lost jobs health problems beneficial in the workplace get basic computer skills computers do tasks more efficiently eye strain and headache employees do work faster than in the past learn draw, paint, play unemployment serious side-effects

Give your arguments for/against “Advantages and disadvantages of online lessons”

Arguments ⇒⇒ Cause & Effect Arguments ⇒⇒ Examples Advantage 1 Advantage 2 Disadvantage 1 Disadvantage 2 Find your arguments for / against

For & Against Essay Summarising sentences Main body Conclusion Introduction Stating problem Advantages Disadvantages Topic sentence Topic sentence Supporting sentences Supporting sentences General remark Giving my opinion Examples Justifications Linking words Linking words Linking words Linking words Examples Justifications

Criteria for writing “For- and-against” essay Объём высказывания соответствует поставленной задаче: 140слов Высказывание носит продуктивный характер   1. Решение коммуникативной задачи (Содержание) Аспект 1. Вступление – тема перефразирована, показан ее проблемный характер   Аспект 2. Два аргумента «за» (topic sentence, supporting sentence, justification/ reason/example)   Аспект 3. Два аргумента «против» (topic sentence, supporting sentence, justification/ reason/example)   Аспект 4. Заключение с выражением мнения автора   Аспект 5. Стилевое оформление выбрано правильно (формальный стиль)   ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 3)   2. Организация Логичность   Деление на абзацы (с красной строки: вступл.,осн.ч.-за,против, заключ.ч. = 4 абзаца)   Использование средств логической связи   ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 3)   3. ЛЕКСИКА (максимальный балл – 3)   4. ГРАММАТИКА (максимальный балл – 3)   5. ОРФОГРАФИЯ И ПУНКТУАЦИЯ (максимальный балл – 2)   Объём высказывания соответствует поставленной задаче: 140слов-10 предложений Высказывание носит продуктивный характер   1. Решение коммуникативной задачи (Содержание) Аспект 1. Вступление – тема перефразирована, показан ее проблемный характер   Аспект 2. Два аргумента «за» (topic sentence, supporting sentence, justification/ reason/example)   Аспект 3. Два аргумента «против» (topic sentence, supporting sentence, justification/ reason/example)   Аспект 4. Заключение с выражением мнения автора   Аспект 5. Стилевое оформление выбрано правильно (формальный стиль)   ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 3)   2. Организация Логичность   Деление на абзацы (с красной строки: вступл.,осн.ч.-за,против, заключ.ч. = 4 абзаца)   Использование средств логической связи   ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 3)   3. ЛЕКСИКА (максимальный балл – 3)   4. ГРАММАТИКА (максимальный балл – 3)   5. ОРФОГРАФИЯ И ПУНКТУАЦИЯ (максимальный балл – 2)  

Let’s check up your knowledge of writing For-and–against essay Answer the questions very quickly

1. три 2. четыре 3. пять Сколько абзацев должно быть в FOR and AGAINST эссе?

1. 1. Вступление 2. Аргументы "за" 3. Аргументы "против" 4. Заключение 2. 1. Вступление, 2. Аргументы "против" 3. аргументы "за" 4. заключение 3. 1. Вступление 2. аргументы "за" 3. ваше мнение 4. заключение 2. Каков порядок абзацев в письменном высказывании "За и против"?

1. Во вступлении 2. В основной части 3. В заключении 3. В какой части эссе "За и против" можно высказать своё мнение?

1. 1-2 аргумента 2. 2-3 аргумента 3. 4-5 аргументов 4. Сколько аргументов "за" и "против" необходимо привести в работе (эссе "За и против")?

1. только во вступлении 2. только в основной части 3. в каждой части работы 5. Следует начать абзац с предложения, выражающего основную мысль, а затем подкрепить её аргументами:

1. You shouldn`t smoke because you harm all the people around you. 2. Smoking is dangerous. 3. If you smoke, it will be difficult for you to succeed in sports. 6. Какое из следующих предложений не является аргументом?

1. They may soon be able to design new kinds of human beings. 2. Genetic engineering should be very carefully controlled. 3. Forty years ago polio was a common tragedy. 7. Какое из следующих предложений представляет факт, а не мнение?

1. только между абзацами 2. между абзацами и внутри абзацев 3. только внутри предложений 8. Средства логической связи употребляются:

Results of the lesson

Thank you for your attention Homework: SB ex.8 p.115 Write your essay “Advantages and disadvantages of online lessons” Use: 1. the essay in ex.3 p.114 as a model, 2. the arguments you have prepared at the lesson, 3. the plan below to help you 4. the criteria to check yourself

Arguments ⇒⇒ Cause & Effect Arguments ⇒ Examples Advantage 1 Advantage 2 Disadvantage 1 Disadvantage 2 Fill in the table using the phrases time saved serious side-effects get basic computer skills eye strain and headache beneficial in the workplace unemployment learn draw, paint, play computers do tasks more efficiently educational and fun for children lost jobs health problems employees do work faster than in the past

Arguments ⇒⇒ Cause & Effect Arguments ⇒⇒ Examples Advantage 1 Advantage 2 Disadvantage 1 Disadvantage 2 Find your arguments for / against

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