Spotlight 9 Module 3 a

Материал опубликован 25 January 2024

Fill in the gaps with the correct word:

survive\violent\pounding\humped back\chase\sightings\nightmare \ shaking like a leaf\sharp hooks\approach\ stare \ on the wrong side of the bed \being lost

1.In 1966 in West Virginia, people began to report __________ of a terrifying human figure with wings.

2.Small and fragile and wounded though it was, he did not want to ____________ it.

3.It is a very ________________ shaking of the victim.

4.Among the smaller animals they mentioned some which have a _________________, like that of camels on our earth.

5.Warning! Very ____________, be careful with your fingers and keep away from reach of children!

6.Patients who suffer from heart attack ____________ longer than those without pets.

7.He has a strong hunting instinct and will ________________ anything that moves.

8.Of course, we worried about the money ____________or not reaching my son in time.

9.I woke up from the _____________ in a cold sweat.

10.Her heart was_______________ in her chest.

11. Why, you're ____________________now because I mentioned his name

12.But there are days when I wake up __________________________

13.Two ladies sitting near us started to ___________________ and whisper.

Ответы:1)sightings,2)approach,3)violent,4)humped back,

5)sharp hooks,6)survive,7)chase,8)being lost ,9)nightmare ,10)pounding,11)shaking like a leaf,12)on the wrong side of the bed,13) stare

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