Тест на тему «Spotlight 10 Module 5»

Материал опубликован 25 January 2024

Fill in the gaps with the correct word:

delayed flight\drizzle\ backpacked\ little rain\cats and

dogs\appalling\nightmare\solution\ value\food wrappers\snowy peaks\a



1)If your ___________meant you had to pay for an additional night in a hotel,

you should be reimbursed for this.

2)We heard the __________news about the earthquake.

3)This____________can make almost anything out of bamboo.

4)We went on a ______ tour of the museum.

5)Below were the silvery lakes, above were the __________.

6)This trip has been an absolute __________ for me and my family.

7)There's no____________ to this problem.

8)The three-course menu is good ____________ for money.

9)Nothing in the bin outside except_________ ________.

10)For many people, these drugs serve_____________, and are a necessary

part of coping with pain.

11)For example: "it's raining_________" does not literally mean that cats and

dogs are falling from the sky.

12)After college, she ____________ through Europe.

13)In every life, a ___________ must fall.

14)The rain diminished to ___________.




Ответы:delayed flight,appalling,craftsman,guided,snowy peaks,nightmare,solution,value,food wrappers,purpose,cats and dogs,backpacked, little rain,drizzle



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