Справочный материал по английскому языку "Народы России и их характеристика"

Материал опубликован 5 June 2024





The Russian people are representatives of the East Slavic ethnic group, indigenous people of Russia (110 million people - 80% of the population of the Russian Federation), the largest ethnic group in Europe. The Russian diaspora has about 30 million people and is concentrated in such states as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, in the countries of the former USSR, in the USA and EU countries. As a result of sociological studies, it was found that 75% of the Russian population of Russia are followers of Orthodoxy, and a significant part of the population does not consider themselves to be a specific religion. The national language of the Russian people is Russian.

The oldest people of the world, residents of the Caucasus, are Chechens. According to archaeologists, at the dawn of human civilization, the Caucasus was a hotbed in which human culture was born.
Those we used to call Chechens appeared in the 18th century in the North Caucasus due to the separation of several ancient clans. They passed through the Argun Gorge along the Main Range of the Caucasus and settled on the mountainous part of the modern republic.
The Chechen people have centuries-old traditions, a national language, an ancient and original culture. The history of this people can serve as an example of building relationships and cooperation with different nationalities and their neighbors.

Ukrainians call the East Slavic ethnic group, which makes up the main population of Ukraine. It is a state located in Eastern Europe. Ukrainians have a rich ethnic composition, including the Polesie ethnic group, the nationalities of the western Ukrainian territories. Related peoples are Russians, Belarusians. All these ethnogroups share common roots, traditions, customs.
The Ukrainian people belong to one of the most numerous communities among Slavic. It is in third place in terms of population (1 - Russians, 2 - Poles). In total, there are 45,000,000 Ukrainians in the world.

There are several versions regarding the origin of this people. Some historians believe that Belarusians were formed from a mixture of eastern Slavic tribes: Volynians, Radimichs, Krivichs and others. An alternative to it is the version according to which the people were formed during the assimilation of the Baltic sub-ethnic group with the Slavs. Also, some historians consider the option that Belarusians descended from the Finno-Ugric tribes.
In the Middle Ages, the lands of modern Belarus occupied various principalities. The largest of these were:
Polotsk - separated from Kievan Rus.
Turovo-Pinskoe - located in Polesie.
Gorodenskoye - with the capital Grodno.

Bashkirs or as they call themselves Bashkortas - the indigenous Turkic population of Bashkiria, according to statistics, about 1.6 million people of this nationality live on the territory of the autonomous republic, a significant number of Bashkirs live on the territory of Chelyabinsk (166 thousand), Orenburg (52.8 thousand), about 100 thousand representatives of this nationality are located in Perm Territory, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions. Their religion is Islamic Sunnism. Bashkir traditions, their life and customs are very interesting and differ from other traditions of the peoples of Turkic nationality.

Mordva is a Finno-Ugric people living in the Republic of Mordovia and adjacent regions. The republic, formed in 1930, is part of the Volga Federal District. The capital of Mordovia is the city of Saransk.
The Mordovian people are divided into two subcultural ethnos - erzya and moksha. Erzyans and Mokshans are distinguished by their literary languages, traditional life and culture. Mokshi live in the southern and western parts of Mordovia, Erzi - in the eastern and northeastern parts. Russian is considered the generally accepted language in the republic.
Most of the Mordovian people adhere to Orthodoxy, Lutherans, Molokans, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims and representatives of pagan religions also live in the republic.

Even in ancient times, Russians, Yakuts and Evens nickna

med reindeer herders Chukchi. The name itself speaks for itself "chauchu" - rich in deer. Deer people call themselves that. And dog breeders are called ankalyn.
This nationality was formed as a result of a mixture of the Asian and American types. This even confirms that the Chukchi dog breeders and the Chukchi reindeer breeders have different attitudes to everyday life and culture, various traditions and myths speak of this.

Until now, the linguistic affiliation of the Chukchi language has not been precisely determined, there are hypotheses that it is rooted in the language of Koryaks and Itelmen, and the ancient Asian languages ​ ​
Cossacks are a certain class that existed in the Russian state. The modern community, which calls itself "Cossacks" - the descendants of representatives of this estate (among historians disputes on the account of continuity). The word "Cossack" comes from the Turkic "free man." For the first time, the word was recorded by an unknown compiler of the Mamluk-Arabic dictionary, who allegedly worked in Egypt. However, a number of researchers reject such a translation of the word by translating the word "qāzāq" and are inclined to the version of "lonely" or "restless."

Tatars are a Turkic people living in the central part of European Russia, as well as in the Volga region, in the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, in the Crimea, as well as in Kazakhstan, in the states of central Asia and in the Chinese autonomous republic of XUAR. About 5.3 million people of Tatar nationality live in the Russian Federation, which is 4% of the total population of the country, in terms of number they occupy the second place after Russians, 37% of all Tatars of Russia live in the Republic of Tatarstan in the capital of the Volga Federal District with the capital in Kazan and make up the majority (53%) of the population of the republic. The national language is Tatar (a group of Altai languages, a Turkic group, a Kypchak subgroup), has several dialects. Most Tatars are Sunni Muslims, there are both Orthodox and non-religious movements.

The Republic of Buryatia is part of the Russian Federation. Representatives of the Buryats are: Echirites, Bulagats, Khorins, Khongodors and Selengins.
Religious views in Buryatia are divided into 2 groups - eastern and western.
Lamaist Buddhism is preached in the east, and Orthodoxy and shamanism in the west.
Buryats (Buryaaduud, Baryaat) are a Mongolian—speaking people in the Russian Federation, the main population of Buryatia (286,839 people). In total, in the Russian Federation, according to preliminary data of the All-Russian Population Census 2010, 461,389 Buryats, or 0.34%. There are 77,667 people (3.3%) in the Irkutsk region.

The history of Azerbaijan is rooted in ancient times. Already from the first half of the first millennium BC. e., states were formed here: Mussel of Atropaten, Albania of the Caucasus. Since ancient times, these lands have been strongly influenced by the southern neighbor - Persia (Iran), for many centuries the territory of Azerbaijan was part of Persia. After the Arab conquest in the 7th century, the term Aderbaijan (Arab), or Aderbadagan (Persian), comes into use. At the same time, the spread of Islam began. In the 11-14th centuries, the local population was subjected to Turkization in connection with the invasions of the Turks-Oguzes and Mongol-Tatars. In the 16th and 18th centuries, Azerbaijan was the object of struggle between Persia and the Ottoman Empire. Since the middle of the 18th century, one and a half to a dozen feudal khanates (the largest: Cuban, Shirvan, Baku, Karabakh) have been formed on the territory of Azerbaijan, subordinate to Persia. In 1813 and 1828, North Azerbaijan was annexed to Russia. It was part of the Caucasian governorship and consisted of Baku and

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