Сценарий брейн–ринга на английском языке по произведению Роалда Дала «Матильт» (5–8 классы)
Игра-конкурс «Брейн-ринг» на английском языке
среди обучающихся 5-6 классов (адаптированное издание) и 7-8 классов
(произведение в оригинале)
Тема - произведение Роальда Даля «Матильда».
Цели и задачи:
Активизировать деятельность подростков к поисковым формам работы.
Способствовать формированию у учащихся представления о мире.
Развивать творческие способности учащихся, способствовать формированию высокой мотивации к труду.
Активизация интеллектуального потенциала обучающихся.
Углубление связей с другими предметами.
Воспитание уважения к сопернику, стойкости, воли к победе, находчивости, умения работать в команде.
Руководство конкурсом.
Руководство подготовкой и проведением конкурса осуществляет оргкомитет - учителя английского языка, работающие в данных параллелях.
Участники конкурса.
К участию в конкурсе приглашаются обучающиеся 5-6\7-8 классов. Рекомендовано обратиться к учителям английского языка и классным руководителям за помощью по формированию команд. Команда состоит из 6 участников, один из которых является капитаном, также у неё должны быть название, девиз и эмблема.
Болельщики - по 5 учеников от класса.
Состав жюри (контрольной комиссии).
В состав жюри входят учащиеся 11 класса (2 ученика – ведущих, ученик – ответственный за компьютерное сопровождение, ученик – ответственный за презентацию к игре по теме, 2 ученика – ответственные за работу в зале с участниками, 2 ученика – ответственные за порядок в зале, 2 ученика – в составе жюри)
Учитель в составе жюри.
Курируют всю игру учителя английского языка, работающие в параллелях
5-6 \7-8 классов.
В компетенцию жюри (контрольной комиссии) входит:
Проведение игры.
Осуществление контроля над общим ходом игры.
Решение спорных вопросов, возникающих в ходе игры.
Решение вопроса о наказании команд за совершенные ими нарушения.
Ведение счета игры и заполнение карточек раундов игры.
Контроль очередности ответов команд.
Составление итоговой таблицы игры.
Содержание игры
Ведущим игры-конкурса задается вопрос, команда, которая, даст правильный ответ, опередив соперника, зарабатывает одно очко.
За подготовку места проведения игры - актовый зал, отвечает 11 класс и преподаватели.
Ответственные учителя:
Учителя должны будут присутствовать в зале с детьми, собрать их в зале, отвечать за проведение игры.
Заранее раздать вопросы для игры участникам и болельщикам, которые были подготовлены самими учителями английского языка в параллелях.
Учителя должны проверить подготовку своих учеников, не только команда должна знать ответы, но и зрители-болельщики.
Игра включает в себя 3 раунда:
1 раунд:
Капитан выбирает вопросы по цвету, не зная уровень сложности; время на подготовку - 1 минута, работает таймер, по звуковому сигналу команды начинают отвечать, каждая команда отвечает на 2 вопроса;
2 вопроса для капитана;
2 вопроса для болельщиков;
После каждого ответа, жюри, учащиеся 11 класса, на экране отображают ответы, внося показатели в таблицу (балл или 0):
Team name |
Round |
Questions - Team |
Questions - Leader |
Questions - Fans |
“Bears” |
Round 1 |
Round 2 |
Black Box |
Additional |
2 раунд:
Идентичен первому раунду.
3 раунд “Black Box”:
Представитель от команды вытаскивает вопрос, команда обсуждает ответ в течение минуты.
Игра идёт до тех пор, пор одна из команд не выйдет вперёд по баллам.
Жюри подводит итоги, подписывает грамоты, распределяет места среди команд и под звуки фанфар капитаны выходят на сцену для награждения.
Команды, занявшие I, II, III место, награждаются грамотами администрации школы. Жюри определяет самых активных игроков команды и награждают ее номинацией - «Самая активная команда».
7 – 8 forms
1. Why do some children become blinded to their children? |
2. What kind of a report would the author prepare to a boy if he were a teacher? |
3. What kind of a report would the author prepare to a girl if he were a teacher? |
4. Who is a scab? |
5. What kind of a child was Matilda? |
6. At what age was her speech perfect? |
7. How did Matilda`s parents call her? What did they say? |
8. By what time had Matilda taught herself to read? |
9. What could she do at the age of 4? |
10. What was the name of the only book in the whole family household? |
11. Why did she decide to go the library? |
12. Why was the librarian taken aback? |
13. How long did it take Matilda to get to the library? |
14. How long did she sit in a cozy corner of the library? |
15. What book did she like most of all? |
16. What famous grown-up book did the librarian recommend to Matilda to read? |
17. How many pages does “Great Expectation” |
18. Who is the author of “ Great Expectations “? |
19. What drink did Matilda usually put beside her while reading? |
20. Where did books transport her to? |
21. Describe the house where Matilda lived. |
22. What was her father? |
23. What was the secret of the success of Matilda`s father ? |
24. What is the name of Matilda’s brother? |
25. How did Matildas’s parents use to call her when she was one and a half years old? |
26. What was the only book belonging to Matilda’s mother called? |
27. How old was Matilda when she started to visit the public library in the village? |
28. Why didn’t Matilda want her mother to know that she visited the library every day? |
29. What was Mr Wormwood’s occupation? |
30. Where and in what way did Matilda’s family use to have their supper? |
31. How did Mr Wormwood get rid of the hat stuck with superglue? |
32. Which book read by Matilda did her father tear into pieces? |
33. What pet did Matilda’s friend called Fred have? What was its name? |
34. How much did Mr Wormwood earn on his “most successful day”? |
35. What colour did Mrs Wormwood use to dye her hair? |
36. What food did Mr Wormwood’s breakfast usually consist of? 37. How old was Matilda when she started primary school? |
38. What did Miss Honey look like? Describe her appearance. |
39. What kind of poem did Matilda recite during her first lesson with Miss Honey? |
40. What did Miss Trunchbull use to be before taking the position of Headmistress? |
41. What was written on the gates of the Wormwood’s residence? |
42. What magazines did Mr Wormwood read from cover to cover every week? |
43. Why did Lavender and Matilda like each other? |
44. What is “the Chokey? |
45. Why did Miss Trunchbull lock Hortensia in the Chokey for the first time? |
46. Why did Hortensia knock Ollie Bogwhistle’s front teeth out? |
47. Why didn’t parents complain on Miss Trunchbull about her attitude to the pupils at her school? |
48. What did Matilda compare her being at this school with? |
49. What was required to put on the teacher’s table when Miss Trunchbull came into the classroom to have a lesson? |
50. What was the occupation of Nigel Hick’s father? |
51. How did Miss Honey teach children to memorize spelling of words? |
52. How did the Trunchbull want to get rid of children? |
53. What was the Trunchbull’s idea of an ideal school? |
54. What was the second miracle? |
55. Where did Matilda go after the performing of the second miracle? |
56. What buildings did Matilda and Miss Honey pass on their way to the cottage? |
57. What did Miss Honey’s cottage look like? |
58. What furniture was there in Miss Honey’s sitting-room? |
59. How old was Miss Honey? |
60. Who was Miss Honey’s aunt? |
61. What products did Miss Honey buy on one pound a week for two years? |
62. What was Miss Trunchbull’s name? |
63. What was Miss Honey’s name? |
64. What was Miss Honey’s father’s name? |
65. What thing did Matilda use to practice in her room? |
66. How many days did Matilda practice? |
67. Who saw the chalk moving and screamed? |
68. What was the first word written on the blackboard? |
69. What was the name of the house where Miss Trunchbull lived? |
70. Where did Matilda’s family want to move? |
5– 6 forms
1. How many members were there in Matilda’s family? |
2. What could Matilda do when she was 1.5 years old? |
3. How did parents call her? |
4. What was the first book she read? |
5. What did father suggest her instead of a book to read? |
6. Who was older – Matilda or her brother? |
7. What was the name of the librarian? |
8. What book did she like best of all among children’s books? |
9. How old was Matilda when she came to the library? |
10. What was the first book for grown-ups to read for Matilda? |
11. Did her mother know that she went to the library? |
12. Did her parents encourage reading books? |
13. How many pages were there in “Great Expectations”? |
14. What did she drink while reading at home? |
15. How many bedrooms were there in Matilda’s house? |
16. What did Matilda’s father do? |
17. What did Matilda say about her father’s business? |
18. What colour was the hat of Matilda’s mother? |
19. What did Matilda do with her father’s hat? |
20. Did father have to sleep in his hat? |
21.Whose was the big talking parrot? |
22. Who was “the burglar” and “the ghost”? |
23. Which book did Matilda’s dad rip the pages out? |
24. Who gave his parrot to Matilda? |
25. What was the parrot’s name? |
26. What phrases could the parrot say? |
27. Where did Matilda hide the cage with the parrot? |
28. What did Matilda’s mum dye her hair with? |
29. What was the name of the 10-year-old school girl, approached Matilda and Larender in the playground? |
30. Why did Miss Trunchbull dislike Amanda Tripp? |
31. How did Miss Trunchbull punish Bruce Bogtrotter for stealing the cake? |
32. What did Larender put in Miss Trunchbull’s jug? |
33. Which book did Miss Trunchbull recommend to Miss Honey? |
34. How did Miss Honey manage to live on one pound a week? |
35. Which object did Matilda use to train her power lift? |
36. What was Matilda’s best school friend’s name? |
37. What was her brother’s name? |
38. Where did she go to read books first? |
39. What was her father? |
40. What did the family do during family suppers? |
41. How did mother take the glued hat from the father’s head? 42. What was the “ghost” in the dining-room? |
43. What was Matilda’s class teacher’s name? |
44. Finish Matilda’s mother’s sentence – “You choose books and I choose ….” |
45. Who was Matilda’s friend at school? |
46. What couldn’t Headmistress Trunchbull stand in girls’ looks? |
47. What was Bruce Bogtrotter made to do in the Assembly? |