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Терехова Елена Фёдоровна31

Игра-конкурс «Брейн-ринг» на английском языке

среди обучающихся 5-6 классов (адаптированное издание) и 7-8 классов

(произведение в оригинале)

Тема - произведение Роальда Даля «Матильда».


Цели и задачи:

Активизировать деятельность подростков к поисковым формам работы.

Способствовать формированию у учащихся представления о мире.

Развивать творческие способности учащихся, способствовать формированию высокой мотивации к труду.

Активизация интеллектуального потенциала обучающихся.

Углубление связей с другими предметами.

Воспитание уважения к сопернику, стойкости, воли к победе, находчивости, умения работать в команде.


Руководство конкурсом.

Руководство подготовкой и проведением конкурса осуществляет оргкомитет - учителя английского языка, работающие в данных параллелях.


Участники конкурса.

К участию в конкурсе приглашаются обучающиеся 5-6\7-8 классов. Рекомендовано обратиться к учителям английского языка и классным руководителям за помощью по формированию команд. Команда состоит из 6 участников, один из которых является капитаном, также у неё должны быть название, девиз и эмблема.


Болельщики - по 5 учеников от класса.


Состав жюри (контрольной комиссии).

В состав жюри входят учащиеся 11 класса (2 ученика – ведущих, ученик – ответственный за компьютерное сопровождение, ученик – ответственный за презентацию к игре по теме, 2 ученика – ответственные за работу в зале с участниками, 2 ученика – ответственные за порядок в зале, 2 ученика – в составе жюри)


Учитель в составе жюри.

Курируют всю игру учителя английского языка, работающие в параллелях

5-6 \7-8 классов.


В компетенцию жюри (контрольной комиссии) входит:

Проведение игры.

Осуществление контроля над общим ходом игры.

Решение спорных вопросов, возникающих в ходе игры. 

Решение вопроса о наказании команд за совершенные ими нарушения.

Ведение счета игры и заполнение карточек раундов игры.

Контроль очередности ответов команд.

Составление итоговой таблицы игры.


Содержание игры

Ведущим игры-конкурса задается вопрос, команда, которая, даст правильный ответ, опередив соперника, зарабатывает одно очко.


За подготовку места проведения игры - актовый зал, отвечает 11 класс и преподаватели.


Ответственные учителя:

Учителя должны будут присутствовать в зале с детьми, собрать их в зале, отвечать за проведение игры.

Заранее раздать вопросы для игры участникам и болельщикам, которые были подготовлены самими учителями английского языка в параллелях.

Учителя должны проверить подготовку своих учеников, не только команда должна знать ответы, но и зрители-болельщики.


Игра включает в себя 3 раунда:


1 раунд:

Капитан выбирает вопросы по цвету, не зная уровень сложности; время на подготовку - 1 минута, работает таймер, по звуковому сигналу команды начинают отвечать, каждая команда отвечает на 2 вопроса;

2 вопроса для капитана;

2 вопроса для болельщиков;

После каждого ответа, жюри, учащиеся 11 класса, на экране отображают ответы, внося показатели в таблицу (балл или 0):


Team name


Questions - Team

Questions - Leader

Questions - Fans


Round 1




Round 2




Black Box









2 раунд:

Идентичен первому раунду.


3 раунд “Black Box”:

Представитель от команды вытаскивает вопрос, команда обсуждает ответ в течение минуты.


Игра идёт до тех пор, пор одна из команд не выйдет вперёд по баллам.



Жюри подводит итоги, подписывает грамоты, распределяет места среди команд и под звуки фанфар капитаны выходят на сцену для награждения.

Команды, занявшие I, II, III место, награждаются грамотами администрации школы. Жюри определяет самых активных игроков команды и награждают ее номинацией - «Самая активная команда».


7 – 8 forms

1. Why do some children become blinded to their children?

2. What kind of a report would the author prepare to a boy if he were a teacher?

3. What kind of a report would the author prepare to a girl if he were a teacher?

4. Who is a scab?

5. What kind of a child was Matilda?

6. At what age was her speech perfect?

7. How did Matilda`s parents call her? What did they say?

8. By what time had Matilda taught herself to read?

9. What could she do at the age of 4?

10. What was the name of the only book in the whole family household?

11. Why did she decide to go the library?

12. Why was the librarian taken aback?

13. How long did it take Matilda to get to the library?

14. How long did she sit in a cozy corner of the library?

15. What book did she like most of all?

16. What famous grown-up book did the librarian recommend to Matilda to read?

17. How many pages does “Great Expectation”

18. Who is the author of “ Great Expectations “?

19. What drink did Matilda usually put beside her while reading?

20. Where did books transport her to?

21. Describe the house where Matilda lived.

22. What was her father?

23. What was the secret of the success of Matilda`s father ?

24. What is the name of Matilda’s brother?

25. How did Matildas’s parents use to call her when she was one and a half years old?

26. What was the only book belonging to Matilda’s mother called?

27. How old was Matilda when she started to visit the public library in the village?

28. Why didn’t Matilda want her mother to know that she visited the library every day?

29. What was Mr Wormwood’s occupation?

30. Where and in what way did Matilda’s family use to have their supper?

31. How did Mr Wormwood get rid of the hat stuck with superglue?

32. Which book read by Matilda did her father tear into pieces?

33. What pet did Matilda’s friend called Fred have? What was its name?

34. How much did Mr Wormwood earn on his “most successful day”?

35. What colour did Mrs Wormwood use to dye her hair?

36. What food did Mr Wormwood’s breakfast usually consist of?

37. How old was Matilda when she started primary school?

38. What did Miss Honey look like? Describe her appearance.

39. What kind of poem did Matilda recite during her first lesson with Miss Honey?

40. What did Miss Trunchbull use to be before taking the position of Headmistress?

41. What was written on the gates of the Wormwood’s residence?

42. What magazines did Mr Wormwood read from cover to cover every week?

43. Why did Lavender and Matilda like each other?

44. What is “the Chokey?

45. Why did Miss Trunchbull lock Hortensia in the Chokey for the first time?

46. Why did Hortensia knock Ollie Bogwhistle’s front teeth out?

47. Why didn’t parents complain on Miss Trunchbull about her attitude to the pupils at her school?

48. What did Matilda compare her being at this school with?

49. What was required to put on the teacher’s table when Miss Trunchbull came into the classroom to have a lesson?

50. What was the occupation of Nigel Hick’s father?

51. How did Miss Honey teach children to memorize spelling of words?

52. How did the Trunchbull want to get rid of children?

53. What was the Trunchbull’s idea of an ideal school?

54. What was the second miracle?

55. Where did Matilda go after the performing of the second miracle?

56. What buildings did Matilda and Miss Honey pass on their way to the cottage?

57. What did Miss Honey’s cottage look like?

58. What furniture was there in Miss Honey’s sitting-room?

59. How old was Miss Honey?

60. Who was Miss Honey’s aunt?

61. What products did Miss Honey buy on one pound a week for two years?

62. What was Miss Trunchbull’s name?

63. What was Miss Honey’s name?

64. What was Miss Honey’s father’s name?

65. What thing did Matilda use to practice in her room?

66. How many days did Matilda practice?

67. Who saw the chalk moving and screamed?

68. What was the first word written on the blackboard?

69. What was the name of the house where Miss Trunchbull lived?

70. Where did Matilda’s family want to move?


5– 6 forms

1. How many members were there in Matilda’s family?

2. What could Matilda do when she was 1.5 years old?

3. How did parents call her?

4. What was the first book she read?

5. What did father suggest her instead of a book to read?

6. Who was older – Matilda or her brother?

7. What was the name of the librarian?

8. What book did she like best of all among children’s books?

9. How old was Matilda when she came to the library?

10. What was the first book for grown-ups to read for Matilda?

11. Did her mother know that she went to the library?

12. Did her parents encourage reading books?

13. How many pages were there in “Great Expectations”?

14. What did she drink while reading at home?

15. How many bedrooms were there in Matilda’s house?

16. What did Matilda’s father do?

17. What did Matilda say about her father’s business?

18. What colour was the hat of Matilda’s mother?

19. What did Matilda do with her father’s hat?

20. Did father have to sleep in his hat?

21.Whose was the big talking parrot?

22. Who was “the burglar” and “the ghost”?

23. Which book did Matilda’s dad rip the pages out?

24. Who gave his parrot to Matilda?

25. What was the parrot’s name?

26. What phrases could the parrot say?

27. Where did Matilda hide the cage with the parrot?

28. What did Matilda’s mum dye her hair with?

29. What was the name of the 10-year-old school girl, approached Matilda and Larender in the playground?

30. Why did Miss Trunchbull dislike Amanda Tripp?

31. How did Miss Trunchbull punish Bruce Bogtrotter for stealing the cake?

32. What did Larender put in Miss Trunchbull’s jug?

33. Which book did Miss Trunchbull recommend to Miss Honey?

34. How did Miss Honey manage to live on one pound a week?

35. Which object did Matilda use to train her power lift?

36. What was Matilda’s best school friend’s name?

37. What was her brother’s name?

38. Where did she go to read books first?

39. What was her father?

40. What did the family do during family suppers?

41. How did mother take the glued hat from the father’s head?

42. What was the “ghost” in the dining-room?

43. What was Matilda’s class teacher’s name?

44. Finish Matilda’s mother’s sentence – “You choose books and I choose ….”

45. Who was Matilda’s friend at school?

46. What couldn’t Headmistress Trunchbull stand in girls’ looks?

47. What was Bruce Bogtrotter made to do in the Assembly?



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