12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Ольга Александровна Зуева23

Put in the right preposition: away, after, up, into, out of, back.

He is running ……. the dog to catch it.

Let`s go to the library and give ………. the books.

My fridge ran ……. food.

Nick is very tall. This sweater is too small for him. He wants to give it ……. to somebody.

Give …… the idea of watching the film up to the end!!! It`s time to go to sleep!

I went shopping and ran …… a new computer game.

Put in the right preposition: away, after, up, into, out of, back.

1. He is running ……. the dog to catch it.

2. Let`s go to the library and give ………. the books.

3. My fridge ran ……. food.

4. Nick is very tall. This sweater is too small for him. He wants to give it ……. to somebody.

5. Give …… the idea of watching the film up to the end!!! It`s time to go to sleep!

6. I went shopping and ran …… a new computer game.


Put in the right preposition: away, after, up, into, out of, back.

1. He is running ……. the dog to catch it.

2. Let`s go to the library and give ………. the books.

3. My fridge ran ……. food.

4. Nick is very tall. This sweater is too small for him. He wants to give it ……. to somebody.

5. Give …… the idea of watching the film up to the end!!! It`s time to go to sleep!

6. I went shopping and ran …… a new computer game.

 Put in the right preposition: away, after, up, into, out of, back.

1. He is running ……. the dog to catch it.

2. Let`s go to the library and give ………. the books.

3. My fridge ran ……. food.

4. Nick is very tall. This sweater is too small for him. He wants to give it ……. to somebody.

5. Give …… the idea of watching the film up to the end!!! It`s time to go to sleep!

6. I went shopping and ran …… a new computer game.


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