Тест "Страноведение Великобритании"

Материал опубликован 29 September 2024

Тест по английскому языку для 7 класса на тему «Страноведение Великобритании»

Цель работы: проверить знания учащихся об основных достопримечательностях Великобритании.

Время выполнения: 15 минут.

Задание 1. Choose the correct answer. What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?

A) Big Ben B) Tower Bridge C) Buckingham Palace D) Westminster Abbey

Ответ: A) Big Ben.

Задание 2. Match the places of interest and their description.



1. Stonehenge

a) a famous castle in Scotland

2. Windsor Castle

b) an ancient monument made of stones

3. Edinburgh Castle

c) the official residence of British monarchs


1. b)

2. c)

3. a)

Задание 3. Answer the question. What is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London where the Royal family lives?

Ответ: Buckingham Palace.

Задание 4. Complete the sentence with the missing word. The Tower of London was built by William the _____.

Ответ: Conqueror.

Задание 5. Choose the incorrect statement.

A) Stonehenge is located in England. B) Windsor Castle is located in Scotland. C) Edinburgh Castle is located in Edinburgh. D) Buckingham Palace is the residence of the British monarch.

Ответ: B) Windsor Castle is located in Scotland.

Задание 6. Find the odd one out.

Big Ben

Tower Bridge

Westminster Abbey


Ответ: Liverpool.

Задание 7. Write the names of three famous castles in the UK.

Пример ответа: Three famous castles are Windsor Castle, Edinburgh Castle and Liverpool Castle.

Задание 8. Name two famous landmarks in London.

Пример ответа: Two famous landmarks in London are Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

Задание 9. Describe one famous monument in the UK using at least three adjectives.

Пример ответа: Stonehenge is a mysterious, ancient and impressive monument.

Задание 10. Write down one place of interest in the UK you would like to visit and explain why.

Пример ответа: I would like to visit Lake District because there are many beautiful lakes, and many British poets visited this place.

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