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ВЫПОЛНИЛА : ученица 9 класса Шихалиева Залина Руководитель : Крапивникова марина михайловна. МБОУ «Фатневская СОШ им. Героя Советского Союза Семена Матвеевича Сидоркова» Traditional holidays of England

ПЛАН 1. Что такое Англия. 2. Карта Англии и его символика. 3. Рождество–Christmas. 4. Новый год – New Year. 5. День Святого Валентина – Valentine's Day. 6. Пасха – Easter. 7. Хэллоуин – Halloween. 8. Банковские каникулы – Bank Holidays.

THIS MAP OF ENGLAND AND ITS POPULATION England is a country that is the largest administrative and political part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The population of England is 84% of the total UK population. The capital is London, the largest city in the United Kingdom.

England is the place of origin of the English language and the Church of England, and English law forms the basis of the legal systems of many countries of the world; in addition, London was the center of the British Empire, and the country was the site of the Industrial Revolution. England was the first industrialized country, as well as a country with parliamentary democracy, whose constitutional, governmental and legal innovations were adopted by other nations and states. The Kingdom of England, including the Principality of Wales, was a separate state until May 1, 1707, when it merged with the Kingdom of Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain. England is the place of origin of the English language and the Church of England, and English law forms the basis of the legal systems of many countries of the world; in addition, London was the center of the British Empire, and the country was the site of the Industrial Revolution. England was the first industrialized country, as well as a country with parliamentary democracy, whose constitutional, governmental and legal innovations were adopted by other nations and states. The Kingdom of England, including the Principality of Wales, was a separate state until May 1, 1707, when it merged with the Kingdom of Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain. Motto: «Dieu et mon droit» Девиз: «Бог и моё право» Coat of arms Flag

Christmas. Celebrate Christmas in England exclusively with the family, because this holiday is a family holiday. In the morning, according to the custom, they go to church, and then they all gather together at a covered festive table. Before you sit down at the table, it is customary to blow up the "Christmas Cracker" - a cracker, which always contains a humorous message and a small souvenir.

New Year. In the United Kingdom, the celebration of the New Year (eng. New Year) takes place on the night of December 31 to January 1, according to the Gregorian calendar. New Year is considered a less important holiday than Christmas, and therefore is celebrated without gifts.

Valentine's Day. Traditional gifts. The week before February 14, shop windows are decorated with red paper hearts, red ribbons, sweets and chocolate. As in other countries, in England on this day people give flowers to their loved ones. The most popular among lovers on Valentine's Day is the red rose.

Easter. In England, the whole family gathers for Easter, they prepare a Sunday lunch: they bake a lamb with a lot of vegetables (which, in theory, should be a rabbit), bake an Easter cake (simnel cake ), paint eggs. At Easter, it is customary to play weddings. In Lancashire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and possibly other counties, there was a ridiculous custom of carrying each other in the old days.

Halloween. How to celebrate Halloween in the UK. Traditionally, Halloween is celebrated on October 31. On this day, the British gather in cheerful mummers and go to every house. Most of all, children are happy about this holiday, because for them it is a great opportunity to dress up in a suit and get sweets.

Bank holidays. Bank holidays have been celebrated in the UK for more than 150 years. On this day, banks do not work, and the majority of the population is released from work. Many Britons celebrated the holiday on a grand scale in bars and pubs. Residents of Newcastle traditionally celebrated Bank holidays in the Big Market area, where a huge number of nightclubs and pubs are concentrated.